JumpGate Evolution developers continue to dream of space

Home » Game News » JumpGate Evolution developers continue to dream of space
June 24, 2022
1 minute

By Jonny Gamer

JumpGate Evolution developers continue to dream of space
Space developers MMORPG JumpGate Evolution For several years, they tried to finish their project, but broke down. The game remained and remained in development computers, and last year most of her team were dismissed – a new project owner, Gazillion Entertainment, without official announcements got rid of any mention of him.

However, people standing for the game, they did not retreasing from their cosmic plans. They founded a new studio – End Games – and decided to continue. But not NAD JumpGate Evolution, And above the new project – a hardcore team (i.e., a space online PVP-action is calculated on small groups) Squad Wars. Which will also be F2P.

And immediately the financial nuance arose – where the money take? Developers did not wonder the custody and appealed for help to the people. Of course, through Kickstarter. Another question is whether the people will repay? In any case, in five days it was collected for all nine thousand dollars. Therefore, it is doubtful that for the remaining 25 days the necessary 250 thousand will type. Although who knows ..

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