The Dark Pictures developers: MAN OF MEDAN continue to talk about creating a ghost ship
Judging by the words of employees SuperMassive Games, Old ship is Man of Medan – hardly the main hero of the game. The authors nourish the ship so delicate feelings that he dedicated to him another episode of his video days.
From the explanations of the developers it follows that a rusty trough is a practically a living creature, which has two entities: ominous and neutral. The ship swings on the waves, creaks, bites and grabs chains. In his gloomy compartments, dampness and twilight reign. And as the situation passes, it will become only worse!
In addition, developers mentioned that the characters roam the ship barefoot. The sound of steps, they say, especially important to create an atmosphere. It is a pity, no one said, why the poor people walk on rusty, dirty and cold metal floor without shoes.
Previous release of video days SuperMassive You can see in this note.
Man of Medan will visit PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PC in 2019. Each of the episodes The Dark Pictures Heads independent history.