Russian anime in the West

Home » Game News » Russian anime in the West
July 25, 2022
1 minute

By Jonny Gamer

Russian anime in the West
In pursuit of consumer dollar, developers go to various non-standard moves. Some star will invite, other scandals awesome, and Southpeak, For example, takes and announces the game in anime.

Scary Popular Japanese Stylistics Generous Scripts Old Good Hack’n’slash Gameplay. By the way! Name of the project Dubbed X-Blades. The role of the protagonist went to the elph-like girl Ayuni, possessing a whole range of useful for theoretically, his wife skills: to extinguish from firearms, perfectly managed with blades of different caliber, as well as apply magic. They will be useful in the fight against demonic enemone inhabiting the local world. The plot, it seems like, promised, but in such a setting it, in fact, and is not necessarily.

Melanie Mroma, chapter Southpeak, I am confident that, combining anime-style and shredder gameplay, Dubbed X-Blades will be a breath of the air in the genre of Hack’n’slash. Ordinary PR application, nothing more.

The project will be released at once on three platforms: PC, 360 and PS3 – this year. If you are interested, you can go here, look at the screenshots and detect … older “Onjectad” himself. Yes Yes, Gaijin makes expansion to the west. Breath of air? HM…

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