Since the release of Artifact lost 97% of players

Home » Game News » Since the release of Artifact lost 97% of players
July 28, 2022
2 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

Since the release of Artifact lost 97% of players
Artifact, Collectible Card game in the Universe Dota, A little less than a pair of months ago – November 28, 2018. However, the project is sad now – after the release of KKA from Valve left 97% of players.

According to Gaming Lyf, already in the first week from the date of release from Artifact 60% of users. If you look at the data Steam Charts, it will still be sad: yesterday at midnight Greenwich the card game set an anti-record – there were 1,639 people in it.

Only over the past month, KKU left 55% of the audience. The average number of simultaneous users has recently fluctuated in the area of 3 thousand people daily. Disappointing comparison: According to DualShockers, the peak number of gamers Artifact Reached near the date of its release – 60,740 people.

Causes of failure can be different. Among the most popular versions, the abundance of “Donata”, without which it is difficult to play hard. In addition, the entertainment is asked 19.99 dollars or 1,390 rubles, while competitors or are cheaper, or free. Also notes oversaturation of the CKA market.

At the time of writing news Artifact not even included in the list of the most visited games Steam.

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