Sega bought MARVEL PUZZLE QUEST creators

Home » Game News » Sega bought MARVEL PUZZLE QUEST creators
July 6, 2022
1 minute

By Jonny Gamer

Sega bought MARVEL PUZZLE QUEST creators
SEGA continues his expansion to the West, making a smooth transition from consoles to smartphones and fondulia. The company acquired an independent studio Demiurge Studios, Located in Cambridge. The transaction price is not disclosed.

“We have many common interests,” noted Chris Olsen (Chris Olsen), Senior Vice President Demiurge. – For us, this is a very profitable deal. SEGA has tremendous experience in creating video games. They came from the console business and worked on one of the best projects in history. The company successfully completed a transition to mobile platforms and free. These directions, in our opinion, are now of great importance for business. “.

Demiurge initially specialized in console games, but subsequently switched to smartphones and tablets. Now the most famous studio game isMarvel Puzzle Quest for iOS and Android.

It is expected to purchase Demiurge In aggregate with significant investments in the studio Ignited Artists (San Francisco) and Space Ape Games (London) will help SEGA Secure positions in the mobile entertainment market, which, according to forecasts, will grow up to 30 this year.3 billion dollars.

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