SEGA reveals the dark past of his new mascot

Home » Game News » SEGA reveals the dark past of his new mascot
June 29, 2022
2 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

SEGA reveals the dark past of his new mascot
A month ago Japanese SEGA presented her new Maskota – SEGA Siro, Son Santi Sansiro, Maskota SEGA from the 90s. It turns out that Sayga Siro has a deep psychological trauma associated with the Father!

The translation of what is happening leads Gematsu:

– Sayga Siro, it’s Switch?
– This SEGA! (Game Gear, 1990.)
– Sayga Siro, this sunglasses?
– This SEGA! (3D glasses, 1987.)
– This is a backpack?
– This SEGA! (Saturn, 1994.)
– Sayga Siro, why do you constantly wear cape?
In these words, the Siro Siro includes “Vietnamese Flashbek”: the Father trained it to seize the “way SEGA“And then left his wife and son. Sagata died of what flew into space on a nuclear warhead, and left behind only a cape.

Siro returns to reality when the villain is broken in the frame – Sayga Hatan Siro. As Gematsu writes, the name has been laid: Sega Saturn on Japanese is pronounced approximately as Sega Sataan, and Hatan means “bankruptcy”. It turns out that Sega Hatan is something like “SEGA – bankrupt due to Sega Saturn ».

At the end of the roller of Sayir Siro swear by the name of his father, which will protect SEGA.
SEGA reveals the dark past of his new mascot

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