Seasonal subscription “Mario + Rabbids Battle for the Kingdom” will provide you with the Steampan weapon
June 16, 2022
1 minute
Just five days (August 29) Nintendo Switch users will get “Mario + Rabbids Battle for the Kingdom”, A new curious exclusive that managed to create joint efforts Ubisoft And Nintendo. However, developers are not going to stop there.
Immediately after the release of the game about the unexpected Union of Mario and Mad Rabbits, developers will take care of the creation of additional content for “Mario + Rabbids Battle for the Kingdom”, So you can right now, without losing time in gift, start postpone the money on a seasonal subscription, consisting of at least three sets:
● Eight unique types of weapons in the style of “Steampunk” with special characteristics (available immediately after the release of the game, only for the owners of the Season Pass);
● new tests for a single game and additional cards for the joint mode that will be a real test for strength (available in the fall of 2017);
● New plot tasks (available in 2018).
Season Pass will be on sale from August 29.