Shellshock 2: Blood Trails – Already In Russia

Home » Game News » Shellshock 2: Blood Trails – Already In Russia
September 26, 2022
2 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

Company “New Disc” I sent a Russian version of the shooter on store shelves ShellShock 2: Blood Trails, Committed “Shellshock 2: bloody trail”. What noteworthy – the release of games in Russia took place the day before the game will see residents of the countries of the European Union. Trifle, of course, and nice.

If someone forgot, we recall that the first part was an absolutely standard shooter that at the explicit “budget” played a cruel joke with the project. A second time Eidos This mistake decided not to repeat, entrusted to the creation of the sequel of a fairly famous British studio Rebellion. Which, not thinking, decided to stand out in the components that have long moved to the second plan under pressure of rating organizations – cruelty, blood and pointing system of damage, familiar first Soldier of Fortune. So it turned out that the main character of the game after hitting Vietnam lost contact with the brain, actively indulges the drugs and with difficulty hesitates who here is his own, and who is someone else than, in principle, all his former comrades who have become victims of incomprehensible virus. Scoat crunch of broken limbs, puffed intestines and flying heads – in place, and the rest with such a set of features does not matter much.

So we can only report that “Shellshock 2: bloody trail” I went on sale both in the “jewel-packaging” and in the gift edition, which includes a DVD with a Russian version of the first part and a stylish bandana.

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