Sherlock Holmes: Chapter One will be released on November 16 on PC and nextgen consoles

Home » Game News » Sherlock Holmes: Chapter One will be released on November 16 on PC and nextgen consoles
July 5, 2022
2 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

Sherlock Holmes: Chapter One will be released on November 16 on PC and nextgen consoles

Command Frogwares called the date of exit Sherlock Holmes: Chapter One – Startup on PC, PS5 and Xbox Series will take place in two months. Information about versions for the outgoing generation of consoles promise to reveal later.

On the eve, the developers warned that the owners of PS4 and XB1 will have to wait a little longer – all for the sake of better product. Meanwhile, the site Trueachievements has published a list of achievements for the Xbox version – 39 “Agricultural” was harvested.

Also published bonuses for pre-ordered detective adventure:

  • a game Sherlock Holmes: Crimes and Punishments,
  • Victorian newcomer set (a pair of costumes, an additional quest and 500 units of the Intran Currency).

While pre-ordered is open only in Microsoft Store:

  • Standard Edition (only game) – $ 22,99.
  • Deluxe Edition (game and seasonal subscription) – $ 30,49.
  • Seasonal subscription can be purchased separately, but until the option is not available.

Chapter One will be the prequaling of the history of the brilliant detective. Holmes will go to the Mediterranean Island, where it will be investigating the death of his mother. Adventure will be released on PC (Steam, EGS, GOG), PlayStation and Xbox.

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