Film shooting in Borderlands should be started soon in Hungary

Home » Game News » Film shooting in Borderlands should be started soon in Hungary
August 3, 2022
2 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

Film shooting in Borderlands should be started soon in Hungary

In a conversation with the website The Hollywood Reporter Adam Gudman (Adam Goodman), Head of the Hungarian Production Company Mid Atlantic Films, told that the screen was Borderlands entered the number of films whose shooting should soon begin in the country.

Recall, director of film Borderlands became Elai Rot (ELI Roth; “Hostel”, “Mystery at home with a clock”), and screenwriter – Craig Meisin (Craig Mazin; series “Chernobyl”). Lilith will play Kate Blanchett (Cate Blanchett; “Lord of the Rings”, “The mysterious story of Benjamin Batton”).

It is also known that Kevin Hart (Kevin Hart; “Very scary movie 3”, “Think as a man”) talks about Roland’s role. Judging by the wording of The Hollywood Reporter, he was already approved.

The official description of the plot is not yet. According to rumors, the main character will be by Lilith, which should save the crumb of Tina on the planet Pandora in exchange for freedom.

The date of the outlet of the tape will not have time to get.

After An Initial Lockdown Last Spring, Studios in Hungary Were Able to Re-Open Quickly, And Major Productions, Including SCI-Fi Epic #dune, Returned to Complete Shooting Https: // T.CO / YOWRQVJO5W PIC.Twitter.COM / FV5MNVIOHQ

– The Hollywood Reporter (@Thr) January 8, 2021

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