Scarlett Johansson in Uncharted?

Home » Game News » Scarlett Johansson in Uncharted?
June 22, 2022
1 minute

By Jonny Gamer

Scarlett Johansson in Uncharted?
New portions of information about the preparing screening of the best adventure militant on PlayStation 3 are received. David O. Russell (David O. Russell), director of the picture, reported on the work done. At the moment it is actively engaged in a script, picks up actors.

Now, for example, he is looking for a suitable candidate for the role of Elena. This girlfriend Nathan Drake (not yet) in the first Uncharted and (already former) in Among Thieves. So this girl can play Amy Adams (Amy Adams) or Scarlett Johansson (Scarlett Johansson). The director has not yet decided, but more preference gives the second. I must say that David is the image of Elena wants to pay a lot of attention – it is hardly more than the drake itself.

The central place in the plot of the paintings will occupy representatives of the Drake family, who will play Robert de Niro (Robert De Niro) and Joseph Pesci (Joseph Pesci). David O. Russell also believes that the role of Elena Fisher “will have a significant impact on the course of the entire narrative”. Interestingly, Nathan Drake performed by Mark Wahlberg (Mark Wahlberg) will remain?

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