Hearing: Microsoft wanted to buy GearBox, provided that Randy Pitchford leaves

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July 29, 2022
1 minute

By Jonny Gamer

Hearing: Microsoft wanted to buy GearBox, provided that Randy Pitchford leaves

Recently Embracer Group the next boiled companies, including Gearbox. They say authors Borderlands Could buy Microsoft.

That before the transaction with Embracer to Gearbox I looked closely “minor”, told an insider Brad Sams (BRAD SAMS). True, he did not specify why the purchase did not take place. This information confirmed the technical browser of Windows Central Jazz Korden (Jez Corden).

Later, during the broadcast, Corden told (marker 1:24:32) that Microsoft I was going to take Gearbox To the hand, provided that the head of the company Randy Pitchford (Randy Pitchford) will leave his post, but he refused. As noted Corden, This is only a hearing, to vouch for which he cannot.

Now when the company Pitchford belongs Embracer, Studios Holding can engage in franchise games Gearbox. And here Borderlands (at least the main parts) continue to do myself Gearbox Together with the publishing house 2k, who did not end the interference.

Recall the last time Embracer also bought Aspyr Media And Easybrain. The amount of the transaction can reach 2.595 billion dollars, including 1.38 billion a Gearbox.

This Is True.

– Jez (@Jezcorden) February 3, 2021

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