Star Wars Galaxies In Safe Hands

Home » Game News » Star Wars Galaxies In Safe Hands
September 22, 2022
2 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

This statement made today Tom Nichols – official representative Lucasarts. The developers and the company turns out to be many more weighty arguments not to close the online world. “It is natural, not the World of Warcraft, but a certain, very extensive range of fans of Galaxies has. We can not just take and throw a whole community without their favorite candy – made by the hands of fans of additions and the MMO database will go under the knife, and we do not want it at all. “, – continued Nichols.

Recall that Star Wars Galaxies appeared in 2003 and became one of the breakthroughs towards the famous, “Jedi” topics. The project, by the way, was a lot of minuses, but in Sony Online Gradually coped with the hum of discontent and managed to attract numerous fans to the process of updating and almost their own improvement of the game.

By the way, it turned out that George Lukasu I like computer worlds, but he does not spend time in them at all. “So, in the development of Star Wars: The Old Republic, even inspired Matra on new feats in cinema (which he stubbornly silent), but hardly makes him sit behind the keyboard with the mouse. He, you know, once wanted to start playing World of Warcraft, but I could not. Therefore, the attitude towards all online worlds in Lucas is extremely tolerant. “, – Tom Nikols already known to us. But, abandoning dividers from sales, it is naturally not going to. Not in his spirit, not in his.

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