Subversion frozen

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June 29, 2022
2 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

Subversion frozen
One of the most original independent studios, IntroveSion (Darwinia, Defcon) dwells in misunderstandings. Long-term developed game about “crackers of everything in the world” Subversion Suddenly ceased to satisfy his creators. And to such an extent that they seem to and do not know what to do with it.

One of the team, Chris Dila (Chris Delay), explained the situation that “the game has lost the concept”. It has excellent technical solutions, it looks great and sounds. But there is no main thing in it – the foundation, “pointed gameplay”. They say they themselves have forgotten what they wanted to do from it. And now they decided not to do anything, but shove into a deep and cold freezer.

This does not mean that Subversion You can put a cross – Dila assumes that “a woman with scythe” (this is not Yulia Tymoshenko – she has enough of her problems) for the game until it came, and someday IntroveSion will return to this project in need of “total alteration”. But at a particular, the studios work on something else. What will be told about the next year at Independent Games Festival, which will be held in March in San Francisco.

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