Supercomputer PlayStation 3

Home » Game News » Supercomputer PlayStation 3
July 25, 2022
2 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

Supercomputer PlayStation 3
Computer will love to laugh at consoles. Like, let the cantilever games are often more popular with computer, but the consoles themselves – trash, scrap metal and waste of high technologies. However, over PlayStation 3, which is located in the Roman technical laboratory of the United States of the US Air Force (this is not a search – Americans also have Rome, in the state of New York), do not really laugh. After all, it is among the 40 fastest computers in the world.

Everything is true. More precisely, almost so. For it is not about one PS3, but about … 1716. It is so many processors of the Japanese console who collected in one car special laboratory. And got a real beast. If someone decides that the resulting beast is such an advertising cutie with a label Sony, then he is very mistaken. In the computing performed by the computer, there is nothing advertising, but there is a lot of completely secret. As, however, and in everything that is associated with the military.

Why should the Warns especially need to use PlayStation 3? No idea. Perhaps so happened cheaper. Or Sony Were lota. Or there is some depths in the console processors, missing PC processors. If you really want to know this, you can ask themselves (Mistops). Like something.

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