T-14 “Armat” and other tanks of the 10th level will soon arrive at Armored Warfare: Armatian Project »

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August 16, 2022
2 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

T-14 “Armat” and other tanks of the 10th level will soon arrive at Armored Warfare: Armatian Project »
Online action “Armored Warfare: Armatian Project” Preparing for a major update 0.15. Together with him in the game there will be six cars of the maximum level of the 10th level, including the T-14 “Armat” – the Russian main combat tank of the new generation.

When Obsidian Entertainment Pick up the equipment for the 10th level, the studio was repelled from the parameters of T-14. The Russian tank, as the authors say, in reality, significantly exceeds competitors on the characteristics, so the developers introduced into Armored Warfare Technology of two categories: experimental and prototypes, as well as machines created on the basis of existing models with probable or planned improvements. So other tanks will correspond to T-14 capacities.

As a result, in the tenth level there will be ultimately modern development: the experimental Tank PL-01, the French battle car Panhard Sphinx, modifications of the main combat tanks Challenger 2 TES and Leopard 2A7 +, as well as the new version of the American M1 Abrams – M1A2 SEP V3. And, of course, our native T-14.

Update 0.15 will start today on the test server, and then, for several weeks, it will be installed on the game server. Read the rest of the patch on the official website.

T-14 “Armat” and other tanks of the 10th level will soon arrive at Armored Warfare: Armatian Project »T-14 “Armat” and other tanks of the 10th level will soon arrive at Armored Warfare: Armatian Project »T-14 “Armat” and other tanks of the 10th level will soon arrive at Armored Warfare: Armatian Project »T-14 “Armat” and other tanks of the 10th level will soon arrive at Armored Warfare: Armatian Project »T-14 “Armat” and other tanks of the 10th level will soon arrive at Armored Warfare: Armatian Project »T-14 “Armat” and other tanks of the 10th level will soon arrive at Armored Warfare: Armatian Project »T-14 “Armat” and other tanks of the 10th level will soon arrive at Armored Warfare: Armatian Project »

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