Take-Two Demanded To Close The Most Popular Openiv Tool For Grand Theft Auto Mods

Home » Game News » Take-Two Demanded To Close The Most Popular Openiv Tool For Grand Theft Auto Mods
October 10, 2022
2 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

If you dipped into the world of modifications for the latter Grand Theft Auto, then you probably know about OpenIV – amateur resource editor in games on the Rage engine. The tool exists and develops for many years, but the company Take-Two Interactive only recently decided that the bench was time to cover.

Leading developer Openiv Yuri Krivorucko (also known under the nickname Good-NTS) on the GTA Forums portal announced that June 5 received a letter from lawyers Take-Two. They indicated that Openiv allows third parties to bypass the software security systems and make changes that violate the rights Take-Two.

Krivorchko Approves: All these years, he clearly followed the civil code of Russia, did not enter too far with reverse engineering, did not touch GTA Online and did not distribute the original data and code. That is, did not violate.

As believes Krivorchko, He could serve on Take-Two to court and win the case. In addition, the requirement “illiterate both technically and grammatically”. But litigation will take at least a few months, and the prospects are still foggy – the author of the program does not want to spend a lot of time to restore the status quo.

Therefore, the Openiv team took a difficult decision – to stop the spread of the toolkit.

Openiv exists since Grand Theft Auto IV (from there, actually, and name). So the program is unlikely to disappear from the Internet. but Krivorchko Registrations Step Take-Two How to threaten all creators of modifications in principle.

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