Now with useless tags in Steam you can fight
June 17, 2022
1 minute
The new feature of Steam Tags, which is now at the beta test stage, adds a lot of confusion. The fact is that all sorts of merchants adore branding game (and not only) products presented in the store Valve, offensive tags, thereby reducing the use of the system of recommendations. Now the service is eaten by useless labels in the Spirit “Parasha”, “Doggy”, “Grappon”, “Cukuruis” and T.D. This is if we consider the Russian segment – in others, however, there is exactly the same non-seeing.
The other day Valve took measures and proceeding Steam Tags with a new update, which seems to be to change the existing position of things for the better. From now on all people of goodwill in case of needing can be assigned to any tag one of the four status “provocative / offensive”, “inappropriate for this product”, “useless” or “spoiler”. Marked in this way, sorry for the tautology, the labels will not be able to get into the list of popular tags. Of course, one voice does not solve anything here: the scheme worked, several people should vote.