Tex Murphy Will Continue The Sixth Part

Home » Game News » Tex Murphy Will Continue The Sixth Part
October 5, 2022
2 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

Adventurchur fans must remember the post-apocalyptic series Tex Murphy About a private detective living in the San Francisco of a nuclear future … Although, maybe, if we consider that the first part is Mean Streets – came out back in 1989, and the fifth – Tex Murphy: Overseer – In 1998.

Nevertheless, there is an opinion that this series is worthy, and sufficient gamers are ready to support this opinion. Sufficient for anything? For the development of the sixth part. And this is not a votor statement, but the proven truth. What is the evidence of a successful collection on Kickstarter.

His parent of Series Chris Jones (Chris Jones). For the sake of such a holy deal to Chris, his long-standing colleague Aaron Connese (Aaron Conners), who helped in the development of some parts, and together they gave the name of the new game – Project Fedora. Good start.

Continued, however, should not be worse. BUT Project Fedora Taki is a continuation – her story will begin where the story ended Overseer. At the same time, the developers assure that the sixth part will be equally interesting and to those who are before it Tex Murphy did not have.

As for the gameplay, the game users are waiting for a wonderful atmosphere “after the end of the world”, noir, puzzles, excellent dialogues, detective investigation, wonderful characters and high-quality plot. Of course, there will be a schedule. And modern, and not from the 89th (or 98th) year … By the way, until the end of the collection there were still three days. So if someone suddenly wishes, then your money will not be superfluous.

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