The First Aaa Game With A Mandatory Ray Trace Requirement Will Appear In 2023, The Nvidia Employee Believes

Home » Game News » The First Aaa Game With A Mandatory Ray Trace Requirement Will Appear In 2023, The Nvidia Employee Believes
September 13, 2022
2 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

Morgan McGuire (Morgan McGuire) – Scientist in NVIDIA, Which together with colleagues has prepared a presentation for tracing rays for a professional conference on computer technologies SIGGRAPH 2019.

As part of his speech McGuire predicted that the first AAA game that will require mandatory support for Ratreasing on your “hardware” will be released in 2023. To the same period, all game platforms will contain solutions for hardware rays.

Recall that Microsoft And Sony Already stated that the next generation of their consoles supports hardware Ratreising. So, PC-gamers will also have to pull up to their level.

As suggests McGuire, From 2019 to the 2023th rasterization (the usual current methods of graphic technologies in video games) will exist in parallel with the ray tracing, from the 2024th to the 2035th rasterization and the ray tracing will be combined, and in the region of 2035 they will come to shiftThe trace of the path is better (and at the same time more voracious) the ray trace version.

I Predict That The First Aaa Game to Require A Ray Tracing GPU to Run Will Ship In 2023, And Every Gaming Platform Will Offer Accelerated Ray Tracing by That Year. #SIGGRAPH HTTPS: // T.CO / ORLS2KA51Y / letomam9b7

– Morgan McGuire (@casualeffects) JULY 28, 2019
The First Aaa Game With A Mandatory Ray Trace Requirement Will Appear In 2023, The Nvidia Employee BelievesThe First Aaa Game With A Mandatory Ray Trace Requirement Will Appear In 2023, The Nvidia Employee BelievesThe First Aaa Game With A Mandatory Ray Trace Requirement Will Appear In 2023, The Nvidia Employee BelievesThe First Aaa Game With A Mandatory Ray Trace Requirement Will Appear In 2023, The Nvidia Employee BelievesThe First Aaa Game With A Mandatory Ray Trace Requirement Will Appear In 2023, The Nvidia Employee Believes

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