The Godfather 2 will receive a new multiplayer mode

Home » Game News » The Godfather 2 will receive a new multiplayer mode
July 8, 2022
2 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

The Godfather 2 will receive a new multiplayer mode
It is already becoming a tradition to produce the first patch to the game on the day of its release;He, as a rule, corrects small mistakes, to patch which in a hurry before creating the final assembly, the developers did not have time. FROM The Godfather 2 The situation will be a little different, on the day of the start of sales will be released a patch that adds a new multiplayer mode called “DON CONTROL”. This mod implies that the player should think as the head of the mafia clan, and the gameplay is based on the creation of a criminal family and its control from a bird’s eye view (that is, from the spot of her leader).

The new type of multiplayer game will determine who of the players is the best “Don”, throw a challenge to another similar “Don”. The monetary stocks earned in a single game will be. If the player loses, then the amount set on the case disappears from Singleler. Online Battle “Don Control” will be held on maps with a capacity of up to 16 people. “Don” will be able to hire other players by attaching them to their family.

Appearance The Godfather 2 For Europe is scheduled for April 7, 2009, for North America – on the 10th number of the same month.

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