They Went Wrong

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September 22, 2022
2 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

Some of the most charismatic community people Eve Online, The leader of the Alliance GOONSWARM and a member of the star management board (elected organization of users of the game) Alexander “The Mittani” Janturko (Alexander Gianturco), unexpectedly broke out by a statement where he promised SSR Smeal war for the rights of its voters. Because the developers went wrong.

Mittani displeasure caused the development of “Eve” after the release of the last addition – Incarna. According to him, before the main driving force of the development of the game were desires and demands of gamers. Which developers have been successfully or not really performed. Nose Incarna Everything has changed – Icelanders were fascinated by garbage that geimers do not need. And then it causes rejection at all.

After the summer raised in the summer, the attack on the preparing developers Eve Online Horde of microtransactions took place an emergency meeting of the Council, where the parties seem to have found mutual understanding. But the subsequent events showed that the bosses of the company did not want to make a gamers on the opinion of gamers. And he, Mittani, this will not leave.

Already in the coming weeks, all users of the game, as well as lovers of virtual drams, passing into real, should be expected to be serious about disagreement of Mr. Janturko (by the way, American) with management CCP. And then it will not seem little to anyone … He will announce the official war and send their secret agents to the company’s office to dissolve it? As before it was done with enemy alliances?

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