Timegate Is Preparing A New Project

Home » Game News » Timegate Is Preparing A New Project
October 3, 2022
2 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

Joyful for all fans of studio creativity Timegate The news was separated by the efforts of PR Gamecock. Developers, the last few years without dumping oil duct F.E.BUT.R. – on their personal account addons Extraction Point And Perseus Mandate, Dorosli finally, to independence and independence.

Currently, the production artel works above the “new and innovative”, futuristic FPS. From their own words, the project can be described by the modest “Multiplayer First Person Shooting Like None Other”, that is, a network shooter, like that, there was no turn. In the gameplay it is planned to enlist the truly adult tactics, which is reflected in the planning mode of the battle. The player hangs over the field and creates its dark divids.

The process will be built on the performance of various tasks. But despite this, it is almost impossible to meet two identical battles here. And all – thanks to the gamers, local situations are mainly formed under their impact, not scripts.

Plot? The plot is very futuristic. A number of some colonies captures the wave of rebounds and rebellions. The leadership of the Earth can not look at it calmly and sends in hot spots Sector 8 – Elite combat platoon, equipped with the most awesome soldiers of the Galaxy. Further, we believe, do not need to explain. Army VS. Rebels – this is not shine, but for a network shooter will go.

The project’s arrival is expected in 2009. He will look at PC, Xbox 360 and PS3. Oh yes, name – Sector 8. Logical so.

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