Twitch Learned To Plant Airplanes In Microsoft Flight Simulator

Home » Game News » Twitch Learned To Plant Airplanes In Microsoft Flight Simulator
October 3, 2022
2 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

As you know, a gol on fiction of the cherry – inventive man give only will, he will turn into a video game. Even the Twitch Stregnation Service Chat. Once he was taught to catch animals in Pokemon and swing the sword in Dark Souls. And the other day fans of non-standard entertainment allowed to straighten the wings in Microsoft Flight Simulator.

Twitch Learned To Plant Airplanes In Microsoft Flight Simulator

By the efforts of indie developer Rami Izmail Rami Ismail), author Nuclear Throne, Twitch viewers were able to take part in managing almost real airplanes. As be accepted in such adventures, the audience simply gave teams a bot, and he had already worked wonders on the devias. About any cunning tricks, however, it remained only to dream: Izmail I set up management in the shortest possible time, and then add various functions at the request of pilots behind the keyboards.

You might think that the idea is completely insane – will the bunch of strangers be able to avoid an imminent plane crash and not fit into the nearest mountain? Here and one will manage to manage transport! But, oddly enough, the flight went very smoothly: departing from Kosice (what in Slovakia), Boeing 787 Dreamliner has extended an hour in the air, made an unplanned barrel over the ocean and more or less calmly landed at the same airport from which he flew out. As they say, and you are weak?

“Twitch Plays Flight Simulator” IS Insane, I Cannot Believe We Survived This Maneuver Https: // T.CO / W9SGR4AFSW PIC.Twitter.COM / HPQL7ISGRS

– Thegunrun (@Thegunrun) September 13, 2020

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