Konami has no money and place to version Lords of Shadow 2 for Wii U

Home » Game News » Konami has no money and place to version Lords of Shadow 2 for Wii U
July 27, 2022
2 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

Konami has no money and place to version Lords of Shadow 2 for Wii U
What only the tricks and tricks do not go publishers and developers, just not to transfer their projects on Wii U. Some complain about the central processor of the system, which, in their opinion, is terribly slow. Others refer to an intricate management system and the need to use the second screen. Here and u Konami There are reasons for not to transfer Castlevania: Lords of Shadow 2 on a new console Nintendo.

As the producer of publishing house explained Dave Cox (Dave Cox) in an EUROGAMER interview, it’s not a personal dislike, but in a banal lack of resources. Now the team Mercury Steam Strongly working over versions for PC, Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3. If it were about porting Lords of Shadow 2 on Wii U, then the process would have to connect another 20 people, and this would significantly exceed the established budget.

However, everything rests not only in money – certain restrictions also imposes a soul office Mercury Steam. The room designed for 60 employees now accommodates the staff with a number of 110 people who sit on each other on their heads. It turns out if even Konami decided for another 20 developers, they would still have nowhere to plant.

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