Ubisoft Told Why Ac: Unity Passes By Wii U

Home » Game News » Ubisoft Told Why Ac: Unity Passes By Wii U
September 29, 2022
2 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

Jednie Creative Director Assassin’s Creed: Unity Alex Amancio (Alex AMANCIO) gave an interview with the Red Bull game blog, in which it tried to explain it intelligibly, why the new Assassin adventure game in Paris of the Great French Revolution will not appear on Wii U. All simple: prefix Nintendo Although formally refers to the eighth console generation, in terms of performance, it is infinitely far from Xbox One and PlayStation 4.

City B Assassin’s Creed: Unity captivates its reliable scale, and thousands of people who will sink along his streets, not just for beauty – they have a direct impact on the gameplay, noted Amancio. Of course, it was possible to fit the project under the technical framework Wii U, but in this case it would have to donate many, and in terms of the proposed “Exprices” it would be already a completely different game.

But then what prevented make friends Wii U at least with Assassin’s Creed: Rogue, which was created specifically in order to satisfy the needs of the fans of the series, which have yet decided to postpone with the transition to nextgen? And prevented, apparently, a new policy Ubisoft, which she chose to console Nintendo – Not so long ago, the French stated that they are no longer interested to make projects for Wii U, focused on adult audience. In addition, earlier this year the general director Ubisoft Yves Gilmo (Yves Guillemot) complained that the owners of the Japanese consoles were very sluggishly buying games series.

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