Update “Warspear Online 4.7: Birth Of Storms “

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November 30, 2022
2 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

Company Aigrind released the long-awaited update MMORPG Warspear Online 4.7, in which players can participate in mass PVP battles for the territory of the enemy alliance. This is a new page in the history of the epic war for a spear between the keepers and the Legion in the game universe Warspear Online. Now each player can show and personal fighting skills, and the ability to the team game, because it depends on them the success of the battle! Update Warspear Online 4.7 is already available for downloading on markets or official website of the company and works on Android platforms (starting with version 2.3.6), iOS, Windows Phone, Windows Mobile, Symbian, Windows, Linux and Mac OS.

Each of the alliances has three marked camp flags. The main task of players is to destroy the enemy flags and at the same time prevent the destruction of their. If it is correct to distribute strength, go with the allies army through enemy territories, avoid a meeting with the enemy army or break it on the road, competently organize an attack on the enemy flag, then the success of the campaign is guaranteed. The hero of war can be every!

Battles pass at a certain time, which is announced in advance, so that everyone can complete important cases and prepare to meet with the enemy alliance. After the end of the battle comes a temporary truce and all captured areas are returned to their former owners.

Depending on how many territories managed to capture, useful bonuses are charged for all alliance players, which at the time of completion of the battle were on the island on which battles pass.

Changes in guilds

Big changes touched the game communities. Two new guild levels were added, new passive and active skills, the limit of participants was increased, and the required number of resources for development decreased by 30%.

In addition, many other new products appeared in the game. The work of some combat skills was adjusted, the possibility of registering with Facebook and there were changes in the work of the Arena. Details of all changes can be read on the official game forum.

Update “Warspear Online 4.7: Birth Of Storms “Update “Warspear Online 4.7: Birth Of Storms “Update “Warspear Online 4.7: Birth Of Storms “Update “Warspear Online 4.7: Birth Of Storms “Update “Warspear Online 4.7: Birth Of Storms “

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