In Civilization VI: Rise and Fall, Gandhi in India will have an aggressive competitor

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June 3, 2022
1 minute

By Jonny Gamer

In Civilization VI: Rise and Fall, Gandhi in India will have an aggressive competitor
Peace-loving Gandhi With its no less peace-loving atomic bombs, has become a kind of symbol of the series Sid Meier’s Civilization. BUT B Civilization VI: Rise and Fall India may have an alternative leader – Chandraguput Maurya.

As says Firaxis Games, Gandhi And Chandragupta – A kind of opposites that use the advantages of the Indian people to different manners. Empire Gandhi flourishes in peacetime, but Chandragupta makes a bet on aggression. Under the leadership of the new leader, India can still use the ability of “Dharma”, create detachments to Varu and build stepped wells.

But here “ARTHASHASTRA” – a unique skill Chandragoupti. Thanks to him, the leader can declare war on the territory, thereby increasing the speed of movement and the fighting power of their detachments into several moves.

Recall that earlier Firaxis showed several more leaders from the supplement Rise and Fall – Mongolian Genghis Khan, Netherlands Wilhelmin and Korean Sandok.
In Civilization VI: Rise and Fall, Gandhi in India will have an aggressive competitor

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