In DLC Battlefield 4: Second Assault Cards Operation Metro and Caspian Border

Home » Game News » In DLC Battlefield 4: Second Assault Cards Operation Metro and Caspian Border
July 26, 2022
2 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

In DLC Battlefield 4: Second Assault Cards Operation Metro and Caspian Border
Announced during E3 presentation Battlefield 4 DLC Second Assault should squeeze out of users a missing nostalgic tear – after all, the promised four cards are selected from the list of “Favorite Folk Cards Battlefield 3“. Although it seems to us that it is unlikely to give out – from the moment of the release of the third “Batli” has not passed two years. Nostalgia to take just nowhere.

Of course, and besides nostalgia, the set has enough curious: see old cards on the new cool engine and try not to die – supporters of such a formulation will be given enough. Therefore, time does not argue about the advantages Second Assault, And try to give a list of cards. It was such an attempt that REDDIT visitors were taken when they fell to chat with developers. And the attempt was half success.

Game designer who looked at the forum Alan Kertz (Alan Kertz) said that the first two cards would probably be Operation Metro and Caspian Border. Other two, however, remained a secret. Also in the process of communication it was confirmed that the DLC exclusivity for Xbox One will be temporary. I wonder for what time? Probably on a standard month for such cases.

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