In Hunt: Showdown for a week added matches for single

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September 6, 2022
2 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

In Hunt: Showdown for a week added matches for single
Hunt: Showdown lived before his first multiplayer event – developers from Crytek allowed players to beat each other in solo mode.

If you are embarrassed by the wording “solo-mode”, we will explain that this is not a “single”, but the same network meat grinder, in which everyone is fighting for itself. Entertainment is designed for 10 participants. The event has already started and will be completed on September 6 at 17:00 Moscow time.

After the event, players who will collect the greatest rewards in solo matches will receive additional prizes. Signal Next:

• Top 50 – 3 500 in-game dollars,
• Top 10 – 3,500 dollars and a unique name for one of the hunters,
• Top 5 – $ 3,500, a unique name, three types of weapons to choose from (large, middle and small), three types of spent items, three tools and a set of skills for 50 points,
• Top 3 – the same and additional level of prestige in addition.

Recall, at the exhibition Gamescom 2018 it became known that Hunt: Showdown will be released on xbox one.

Though Showdown Not beats the records of popularity, the game is not so bad – according to Steam Charts, since May, its middle online is steadily growing and now is 3,185 users. For example, started in “Early Access” on August 28 Fear the Wolves can only envy such a result – at the same time it was visited by a maximum of 388 players.

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