Space Football started in Star Conflict

Home » Game News » Space Football started in Star Conflict
July 27, 2022
2 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

Space Football started in Star Conflict
Star Conflict – game about a distant future. Therefore, football here will be not ordinary, but space!

Gaijin Entertainment And Stargem Inc. launched a new regime in a science fiction action – “Cosmobol”. Unlike ordinary football, the field here is three dimensional, so the pass can be given to the partner, which is located downstairs, and the opponent is able to attack on top. Will have to twist head in all directions! In addition, the ball behaves according to the laws of physics in space – he flies right there, where you sent it, and does not lose speed. If, of course, he does not hurt him.

Cosmobol participants are sitting in special ships with two guns. The first is called the “interceptor of the ball” and gives a powerful impulse, and the second is plasma harpoon, which allows you to take off the projectile from under the enemy nose or even delay the disadvantageous players.

The main rule of cosmobol – to make five heads. There are no significant restrictions: you can hit the ball any part of the ship, and there are no fines for aggressive behavior against rivals.

Cosmobol mode will be available until July 19. Even those who went into Star Conflict for the first time. Other details read on the official website.

Space Football started in Star ConflictSpace Football started in Star ConflictSpace Football started in Star Conflict

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