In Tera: The Next opened “Paradox Castle”

Home » Game News » In Tera: The Next opened “Paradox Castle”
July 25, 2022
2 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

In Tera: The Next opened “Paradox Castle”
That is the wonderful time when Destiny.Games prepared for users of the Russian-language version TERA: THE NEXT Fresh update that will not give them to bother on the expanses expensive heart of Arborea.

The main novelty is the mysterious dungeon of the “Castle of Paradoxes”, hidden in the bowels of the terrible Academy. Please note: to get into it and fight with a mysterious sophist, you need to dial a group of five level 65 level players or take advantage of the selection of dungeons. At the same time, the minimum level of equipment of your heroes should be no less than 423.

Moreover, creators TERA: THE NEXT revised the skill of various classes of heroes. For example, the effects of a knockout impact of a knockout blow, a tornado and a blow to the heart of a killer. Yes, and a volley card, recharge, the engineer’s barrier fire was subjected to some changes, and with them the abilities of the berserka, mystic, archer, shinobi, reloads, warrior and Valkyrie.

All other update details are looking for on the official website of the project. And yes, notice that if you come to TERA: THE NEXT Every day, starting from August 2, you will get special bonuses for the time spent in the game.In Tera: The Next opened “Paradox Castle”

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