Valve is preparing to submit an SDK for VR helmets

Home » Game News » Valve is preparing to submit an SDK for VR helmets
July 25, 2022
2 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

Valve is preparing to submit an SDK for VR helmets
At the Steam Dev Days profile conference, which will be held in Seattle from 15 to 16 January, Valve promised to complete a languid lecture on the prospects for virtual reality technology. Fortunately, among words, the case does not limit himself: the company will demonstrate the public its own prototype of the VR device, as well as tools for developing various applications for it.

Representative Valve I told in an interview with BBC that now the company’s engineers actively work out issues related to the tracking of the user’s head in space, as well as the production and design of virtual reality helmets. The speaker also noted that at the moment the company actively cooperates with third-party manufacturers from this area, but did not say with what exactly.

It can be assumed that among them there is a known Oculus VR, with which Valve consists in very good relationships. From this follows another argument: It is possible that in the aforementioned SDK, which will be shown to us next week, will be originally integrated by Oculus Rift glasses. If so, then many developer teams sighed with relief – as you know, unified solutions greatly simplify life.

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