Valve announced the second SAXXY Awards contest

Home » Game News » Valve announced the second SAXXY Awards contest
July 18, 2022
2 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

Valve announced the second SAXXY Awards contest
Valve Announced the second annual Saxxy Awards competition for the best roller based on Team Fortress 2 Using Source Filmmaker. Competition is held in five categories: the best action, the best drama, the best comedy, the best original universe (with an explanation that the author must be the original creator of the entire content in the video), the best roller.

The rules of the competition are not imposed on the participants of some impossible conditions – more or less explained and understandable. Rollers should not be longer than five minutes, permission – at least 720p, you can use any intellectual property Valve, However, on other brands should be the right of ownership or permission to use. One author can offer several rollers. And no advertising inside.

Terms of delivery of work – from 1 to 15 November of the current year. November 16 starts voting. Winners will be announced Valve no later than December 31 again. They all will receive prizes. And the most important winner (the category “Best Roller”) will fly to the headquarters of the company, where it will be possible to work on a roller together with professionals. And later see your work on the GTTV VGA show.

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