Universe LEGO

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March 30, 2022
1 minute

By Jonny Gamer

Universe LEGO
Today is the holiday of the guys, jershoot pioneer! Today I came to visit them … However, we ask for forgiveness – I did not come, but came. And not today, but already very soon. Because Warner Bros. Interactive reported on shipping for Gold Supermega-MMORPG LEGO Universe. In this game, juvenile and perennial fans of the legendary designer will be able to finally express their love to him, and at the same time to meet colleagues in messenger … hobby with which you can spend fun together for standard MMO-entertainment.

Developers promise the original world, entertaining the plot, a farewell editor of Avators, stylized as a collection of figures from the designer blocks, interesting quests, numerous social options and special friendliness to children. Official release LEGO Universe Must be held in October.

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