You can continue your trip to Darkest Dungeon on the iPad already this month

Home » Game News » You can continue your trip to Darkest Dungeon on the iPad already this month
July 26, 2022
2 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

You can continue your trip to Darkest Dungeon on the iPad already this month
In one of the latest news Red Hook Studios mentioned that intends to move Darkest Dungeon on new platforms. The following replenishment will be the version for the iPad, and there you can easily continue your trip with PC.

Darkest Dungeon will be released on tablets from Apple 24 August. On the iPad you will get a full-fledged game with all the possibilities. The company helps with a new version BlitWorks, which a dog ate on ports: for example, she tolerated Fez And Crypt of the Necrodancer on the PlayStation and iOS console, and also deals Don’t Starve ToGether And StarBound For xbox one.

As assures Red Hook Studios, Tastenaya Darkest Dungeon boasts friendly touch interface. And in general, they say, the game is great for short gaming sessions while you are traveling on the bus or sit in the toilet.

Finally, Darkest Dungeon For iPad supports saving from PC. You just need to throw the file with your progress to the cloudy Dropbox storage.

Addition The Crimson Court will also appear on the iPad, but later this year. The price is not yet announced, although the developers assured immediately – no obsessive microtransactions, everything will work according to the scheme “Bought and Play”.You can continue your trip to Darkest Dungeon on the iPad already this month

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