Wargaming opened an office in Tokyo

Home » Game News » Wargaming opened an office in Tokyo
February 15, 2022
1 minute

By Jonny Gamer

Wargaming opened an office in Tokyo
Plagiators-Chinese still did not accidentally complained to “big Wargaming“… in the sense that their complaints, of course, on the drum, but what is big, is not to take away from this. 15 offices throughout the planet. And the latter was just opened in the capital of Japan.

Boss of the Tokyo division became Yasuhiro Kavashima (Yasuhiro Kawashima), who expressed his most friendly joy on this issue and promised to do everything possible so that Belarusian tanks won the native country of the rising sun as quickly as possible. And his, which is characteristic, no one has attracted. Afraid, however. And respect.

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