Closed beta testing Escape from Tarkov will begin in July

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June 3, 2022
1 minute

By Jonny Gamer

Closed beta testing Escape from Tarkov will begin in July
Multiplayer shooter Escape from Tarkov Moves to the next stage – closed beta testing, where the authors will introduce new content, systems and various improvements.

As reported Battlestate Games, In the ZBT will appear unprecedented weapons modules, items, equipment and location coast. In addition, for a small amount of money will be allowed to receive insurance – thus the chances of keeping their belongings increase. In the closed “Betu” will come a peacekeeper trader who will provide advanced opportunities for the purchase of Western weapons and equipment. Also earn a common chat, where all the players in the network will be able to talk.

Command Battlestate Games It claims that for the sake of a closed beta test, it has significantly improved optimization and translated Escape from Tarkov to the new version of the Unity engine. Thanks to this, the game will be able to complete the use of the RERCTX 11.

ZBT will begin during July. It will be available to owners of any version of pre-orders Escape from Tarkov.

Closed beta testing Escape from Tarkov will begin in JulyClosed beta testing Escape from Tarkov will begin in JulyClosed beta testing Escape from Tarkov will begin in JulyClosed beta testing Escape from Tarkov will begin in JulyClosed beta testing Escape from Tarkov will begin in JulyClosed beta testing Escape from Tarkov will begin in JulyClosed beta testing Escape from Tarkov will begin in JulyClosed beta testing Escape from Tarkov will begin in JulyClosed beta testing Escape from Tarkov will begin in JulyClosed beta testing Escape from Tarkov will begin in JulyClosed beta testing Escape from Tarkov will begin in JulyClosed beta testing Escape from Tarkov will begin in JulyClosed beta testing Escape from Tarkov will begin in JulyClosed beta testing Escape from Tarkov will begin in JulyClosed beta testing Escape from Tarkov will begin in July

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