War Thunder Celebrates The First Anniversary

Home » Game News » War Thunder Celebrates The First Anniversary
October 6, 2022
2 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

War Thunder First celebrates a memorable date – Exactly a year ago, MMO, dedicated to combat aviation, armored vehicles and a fleet of the Second World War, became available for Russian-speaking users within open beta testing. And since then try the game solved as many as five million people from all over the world.

According to estimates Gaijin Entertainment, over the past twelve months in War Thunder about hundreds of new aircraft appeared, the game balance and economy have improved, and also have additional modes and cards. The game went to Steam and became the first Russian project for PlayStation 4.

In honor of this joyful event Gaijin Entertainment I decided to arrange a lot of festive shares. First, November 3 (from 19:00 to 23:00 Moscow time) any user War Thunder will be able to take part in the so-called “gold battles”, for which he will certainly get a unique emblem for his aircraft. And the one who since the beginning of the event will at least take at least ten victories, will be able to get rich for 400 gold eagles as a reward for his combat exploits.

Secondly, from 10:00 on November 1 to 10:00 on November 4 (Moscow time) gamers expects 25% discount on all advanced sets in the store and 50% discount on an annual premium account that you will be very useful for you, as soon as War Thunder in a short time will acquire ground technology.

And finally, only in this weekend the first victory for each nation is awarded with a five-time point of experience. And premium, as well as ordinary, airplanes will cost you a little cheaper.

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