46: Game Walkthrough and Guide

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April 25, 2022
9 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

46: Passage
46: Game Walkthrough and Guide
Last Battle

In the yard 1946. A couple of years ago, the story turned from the former rails and rolled along a new road created with a light hand Maddox Games. As a result, the Second World War ended in 1944, and the third began in 1946, and aircraft rose into the air, and did not try to fly in real history.

Hypothetical past

Indeed, in the second world reactive aviation has practically failed. Although the Germans developed the reactive direction since the 30s, but more or less workable specimens appeared only by the mid-40s. This is due to the fact that in the idea of Blitzkrieg, the reactive aviation somehow did not fit and practically did not receive financing. However, after several major defeats by 1942, Germany revised the views on the Aviation of the New Generation. Already in the second half of 1943, Luftwaffe was engaged only by the development of jet aircraft. Advanced and improving piston cars went to the background.

This is interesting: The first German jet plane shot down Ace Ivan Nikitovich Kozhevube. To the ground was “omitted” the newest at the time ME-262.

But “Green Light” for new aircraft turned too late. By 1944, Germany no longer had any means or time to build enough aircraft. Pilots who can pilot these cars and could be counted at all. But, be that as it may, it was German engineers who gave impetus to the development of the reactive direction, and the aircraft were designed until the very end of the war. “IL-2 46” gives a chance to fly on airplanes, which for some reason did not appear on the light or were built, but were used very limited. From tail!

Rellets Park

BI 6

Variant of the BB-1 missile interceptor, but with two direct-flow air-reactive engines at the ends of the wings. Additional engines had to slightly increase the range of flight, but the project did not cause interest and further tests in the aerodynamic tube did not go.

On the other hand, the BI-6 would have retained all the advantages of the original aircraft – high vertegeneration, ease of control, high speed, but the disadvantages would not go by side. Due to the design of the wing at a speed of over 800 km / h, the plane was delayed in the dive, to get out of which it was impossible. On the emergency fuel consumption, you can not talk, the plane has eaten up to 6 liters of fuel per second.

Bi-6 would armize a pair of Schwak guns if he went to the series, but the complexity of the service and plus the almost unexplored behavior of the aircraft at high speeds (about 1000 km / h) was put on the further development of Bi-1 (and BI-6 ashis modifications) cross.

Bi-6, in our opinion, beautiful plane. Very fast, hip, maneuverable. True, weapons are suitable only against the same as he, fighters, well, and against the attack aircraft. Too few charges. Another problem is the voyage of the aircraft. On the full pull, it can fly no more than 4-5 minutes. Well, the most important thing: when the speed is 800 km / h b-6, as well as Bi-1, breaks into uncontrollable dive.


“Just” an experimental aircraft on the basis of Lagg-3. The piston engine was replaced by direct-flow reactive, but the aircraft was not destined to see the light. In 1942, Lagg-3rd with VD-1 jet engines rose into the air, and after the first test, a whole bouquet of newly drawbacks was revealed. This is the “dampness” of the engine, and design defects. At the turning point of the war, more attention was paid to existing aircraft. Yes, and there was no aerodynamic tube for testing new promising aircraft. All works on Lagg-3rd slowly stopped.

By the way, the aircraft is modeled in an “improved” form, the prototype of Lagg-3rd on the flight and technical characteristics could hardly be compared with La-5, so in the game he is somewhat shunter than in life.

He is too slow in comparison with other aircraft. The rest is very similar to the original Lagg-3.


La-7 was supposed to become a response to new jets of Germany. By 1944, ME-262 was already perfectly perfect and was practically unsenting for Soviet fighters. The USSR, however, did not have such a high technical level to quickly construct a jet fighter, which would not be inferior to German analogues. On the other hand, achievements in liquid jet engines (they were also called rocket) were very significant. Therefore, it is quite natural that aircraft with mixed power plants became a rapid solution. La-7R – just one of these. The usual piston ASH-82FN Schvetov was complemented by the RD-1. In the first flight, the jet engine showed his unreliability. He was either not started at all, or stopped working even to produce fuel, and during normal operation increased the maximum speed of only 85 km / h, which is not so much, if you compare the invested forces and time on the processing of the aircraft. Later, by the end of 1945, when Lavochkin’s OKB received new RD-1×3 engines, the maximum speed increased markedly. Flight tests The aircraft passed only after the end of the Great Patriotic War, and in September 1945 the project was closed in favor of more promising.

Beautiful aircraft who collected all the advantages of the original La-7 and the benefits of reactive technology. The only problem is too small flight range when using EDD.


And-250 – another representative of aircraft with a mixed power plant, only, unlike La-7R, it does not install a liquid jet engine, and air. The usual piston motor rotated the screw and launched the compressor, part of the air from which came to the combustion engine combustion chamber.

But the first test flights revealed a whole memory of the aircraft problems. Insufficiently durable fuselage, which at high speeds inherent in reactive aircraft, literally crumbled into pieces, problems with radiator, unreliable jet engine… As a result, the first pre-production plane was released only by the end of 1945. The war has already ended, all work on the project and-250 was in a less intense pace. Many problems constructors could not overcome. Only eight fighters and-250 fighters were produced serially, and in 1948, when a more perfect MiG-15 appeared, the project I-250 was closed.

A good aircraft, although losing German counterparts in flight specifications, but superior to several indicators, such as the protection of the pilot and the power of weapons. Perhaps in the game the plane behaves quite well because the unreliability of the jet engine is not modeled.


By 1944, after a first acquaintance with new Luftwaffe jet fighters, the Soviet command was seriously worried. Standing piston fighters could not compete with ME-262. Macuators comparable to flight characteristics by the USSR aircraft also could not either. On the other hand, the achievements in the field of EDD could be useful for the improvement of ready-made piston fighters.

So OKB Yakovlev also took up the development of a fighter with a mixed power plant. In the back of the fuselage mounted a rocket engine Glushko RD-1. The first tests took place from December 1944 to May 1945. The results were impressive, the prototype on maneuverability was not inferior to the usual Yak-3, and the speed was significantly surpassed. Trets at a speed at an altitude of 10 km reached 340 km / h.

In August 1945, the catastrophe took the life of the test pilot in.L. Rastorgueva. The Investigation Commission could not find any reasons for the aircraft failure, but most likely was to blame the design of the fuselage, not adapted for high speeds. The war ran out, now there was nowhere to hurry, and, preferred more promising prototypes, the project of Yak-3r closed.

The main advantage of the aircraft is high speed, well, you can also write good maneuverability to the piggy bank. The rest is shortcomings. Weak weapons, low speed without the use of EDD, insufficient flight range.

MiG-9 (and – 300) and MiG-9FS

And this is a purebred jet. He is obliged to the 1944 pushing, when German jet planes appeared in the sky. The fact is that Germany did not stop the development of reactive technology during the war, the USSR, on the contrary, paid more attention to other areas. The backlog seemed catastrophic, the councils did not have a ready-made jet engine, and all promising projects were at the stage of experiments. Then they decided to start captured Jumo-004B and BMW-003. Thanks to the technical documentation, they were quickly learned to produce in Soviet factories. Jumo engine received the name of the RD-10, and the brainchild of BMW – RD-20. A couple of such RD-20 with a capacity of 800 kgf and put on experienced I-300, the future MiG-9.

On April 24, 1946, the first flight of an experienced aircraft was held, by the way, in one day with Yak-15. The tests did not cost no victims, but it did not stop the designers, the plane was refined and improved constantly.

MiG-9 is one of the first jet aircraft adopted by the USSR, but he flew at all long, giving way to a more perfect MiG-15.

Excellent aircraft, there is, however, several flaws, but who have no them? High speed, excellent weapon, simplicity… Several suspended maneuverability, well, and for high speed I had to pay the almost complete lack of a booking of the Cabin Arrow and Fuel Tanks. This, in our opinion, is not critical. Anyway, if some TA-183 or ME-262 queue from his thirty millionth limeters will hit the world, then it will tear it into pieces.


Not all aircraft who did not have time to appear during the war were reactive. One of these purely piston aircraft that did not fought, was Yak-3 VK-107A. This aircraft was distinguished from the usual Yak-3 only new engine VK-107A, which was installed instead of VK-105MF. The new power plant was almost 25% more powerful than the previous one. Besides, a couple of new guns B-20C was installed on the plane.

In conclusion about flight tests it was said that Yak-3 with the engine VK-107A exceeds everything as Soviet and foreign piston fighters. But the plane in the series did not go. Closing, tests continued until the end of the war, and Yak-9 with the same VK-107A showed more impressive results. As a result, by 1946, Yak-3 VK-107A was removed from production, and all the engines were sent to the construction of Yak-9U.

Normal Yak-3, but with a more powerful engine. Well, pluses because of the use of a new engine – higher flight techniques. The rest is almost identical to the usual Yak-3.

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