Petka 5: End of the game: Game Walkthrough and Guide

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March 16, 2022
9 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

Petka 5: End of the Game: Passage
Petka 5: End of the game: Game Walkthrough and Guide
Location 1. “Gadyukino”

Take A Spear and Cigarette Boxes. Apply A Spear To Bust. Get Out to Top. Take A Poker, Lamp, Boat, Anchor. Apply To The Cuckoo. Take Grenade. Go to the right. Apply A Lamp On The Hollow. Climb. Give The Dormidosh Boat, Get A Photo Card. Get Back. Apply A Grenade On A Shell. After The Explosion to Return to the Projectile. Get Out Of The Street. Touch With Marius About Mom. Give Marus A Photographer. Take From The Wall Adjustable Key. GO Right to the Fork. Torture. Go Up to the Kabac. Talk to a man in the window (with fig). SPEAK WITH FIG ON SALE. RETURN TO THE ROOF TO DORMIDOSH’S HOUSE. Throw in The House Dormidosh Lollipop. Return to Kabaku. Doodle Dormidos Lollopy. Talk to Dormidosh About A Gift. GO TO THE THE FREED PASS TO THE VALENKA HOUSE. Take a dress. Go Right to the Barn. Take a chain. Go right to kibits. Give The Gypsy Yash Dress, Get SOAP. Take a gantary. Back to dormidosh. Give Dormidosh Bow, Get Brooch. Take Dad. Go to the Kabac. Log in Kabak. Give A Cigarette Party, Get Fat. Bone. Back to the Looking Tower. Sit in Barrel. Afterly The Explosion, Apply Anchor to the Rope. Up to Take The Tube. Go to Cabacket. Send Fidyukin (Car Driver) Tube and Cigarette and Get Harmony and First Aid Kit. Go That Valenka. Give The Old Man A First-Aid Kit, Then SOAP. Go to the Punior Marus. Touch with Marusi. Go to Yasha. Give Ryas Brooch, Get a Ball. Go to the Fork. MARUSYA WILL COLLIDE THE BRIDGE. GO Right To the Well. Collect The Ball and Chain In Inventory and Apply To The Well. After Talking From Zozuli to Go Through the Right and Talk to the Shepherd of Grinenels, After Which Go to the Barn. Apply The Bone On The Booth and Get A Bottle From The Booth, Then Enter The Barn. Give An Adjustable Key With Glow. Apply A Bottle On The Valve, Fill It WITH A MOONSHINE. Go to Drunken Sailors. Call in Bell. Harmonius Matrosau. Take a bell. To go to hryvnia. Give The Green Bell, Get A Hat. Go to Yasha. Give a Hatch. With An Abandoned Hat to Take A Carnation. Back to the Basement. Apply The Carnation In The Portrait, Go To the Second Location.

Location 2. “Shishkin Ovrag”

Take From The Fire Corner, The Fire Corner, The Sleeve and Bark from the Cola. Apply At First Coal On Beresto, Then A Thermometer On The Resulting Note. Give the Finished Document to Valka. After The Quest Stuck, Take A Wrench from the Tank, Unscrew The Bolt and Break the Tracts. Climb The Caterpillar. Go to the background for an apiary. Take The Basket, Forks, Hive. To Take A Weight, You Must First Inspect Scarecrow. CLIMB ON THE STAIRS, HANG THE BASKET ON THE WIRES, AND PUT THE BASKET IN THE BASKET. Pick Up Spare Parts From Scared: Grid, Braid, “Twist”. Back to Ravine. Go to the right. Apply The Braid to the Campaign or on the Bump. Take the Rope. Apply The Grid On The Hollow, Take From The Honey. Apply Hive On Bees, In Return To Take the Crossbow. Apply The Rope On The Crossbow, And The Resexting Harpoon – On The Board. Go right to dug. Take Palo. Apply Sleeves ON Chimney. Talk to Furmanov ABOUT THE FLAG AND ABOUT WHAT HE HANGS WITHOUT. Take a Plate to Return to the Apiary. Send Hive With Beekeepers. GO Left to the Farm. Apply Crawled On The Handle Mill, Then Use The Wings of the Mill to Climb Upstairs. Apply Forks on Pumpkin and Enter The Mill. Give The Medicine of the Warlock, Get A Sleeping Pill. Talk to the Filmknoe About Astronomy. Back to dugout. Take The Flag and Go Right On The Alley. Apply Sleeping Pills On Honey And Send Sleepy Honey Bear. APPLY THE FLAG ON YAKSHAROV. Then take a moonshine and samovar. Apply Moonshine on Samovar. ENTER THE ESTATE. Apply The Plate on the Patefone. Take a Flying Wheel. Apple Samovar then Gavrich. Take a handset. Go to Earthquake. Take The Wheel. Return to the Farm. Apply Both Wheels on the Axis on the Horseshoe. Use Wheels. Take Fallen Key. Apply The Key To The Chest, Get A Snake. Apply A Snake On A Mill Handle. Use Wings, ENTER THE MILL. Take Mushrooms, Hunter and Key Under the Pillow. Apply The Key To The Chair of The Chair, Get A Toilet. Go to the Estate On the Second Floor. Get Up To the Second Floor. Apply “Cruculka” to Brothers. Take a Book with Shelves. Use Lever. And Get Up to The Second Floor Again. Give The Toilet Franch. In The Dugout to Brew in the Kettle of St. Mushrooms Apply To Protein. Look Atue Table, Then Apply The Tube On The Device and Return to the Apoary. Talk to the Butcher and Go to the Farm. Using Wings, ENTER THE MILL. Give A Book With A Blacklock, Take A Primus. Back to the Apiary and Give A Primus Fuchiker.

Location 3. “FEATHERING”

Take Alabard and Open It. Raise The Cap and Throw IT in A Vase. Go Down to Go Down. LOG IN THE TRAIN STATION, TALK TO AFONA. Go Right on the Square with the Fountain. Take the Valve from the Fountain. Return to the Station, to Go Left to the Fire Station. Apply The Valve to the Pipe (1 Time) and Return to the Fountain. Apply The Valve to the Fountain, After Which It Will Be Possible to Enter The Restaurant. Pick On The Floor Bottle. LOG IN THE BOO, GET BROOCH. Return to Square and ENTER THE PHARMACY. Give The Pharmacy Brooch, Get Instead Of A Toothbrope. GO TO THE STATION BUILDING TO THE STATION BOSS. Apply Tool on the Boss. Apply a Remedy for a toothbrope on a bottle with brandy. Back to the Restaurant. Give The Bottle Of Zabiikas. Take From Grandfather’s Grandfather and Sleeping Clogs – The Key. Log in Booru. GO TO THE PHARMACY. Apply Scarmer On a Baboon, Take Glasses. Log in the Station Building. Give APONE GLASSES, Get Magnesium, Go to the Car. Apply Magnesium ON Guard. Open Second. Climb The Car to Apply The Key To the Closet, Take A Fur Coat, Go Down and Go to the Fire Stamping. After Dialogue With Spur, Go to the Pharmacy. To Give A Coat by A Pharmacist, Get The Ammonia, Go to the Head of the Station to Apply The Ammonia on the Boss. Take a Broadcast. Back to the Station. Give Gypsy A Storm. Take From Dresa Horseshoe, Tambourine, Cards, Go to the Pharmacy. Apply The Cards on The Baboon, Take The Staircase, Again on Fire Stamping. Return Spurs.

Location 4. “Armored Train”

Take a Hook With A Car, Then Climb Up and Chop Fufiker. Take a Parachute and Hammer. Throw Hammer Into A Tank. Take A Shovel and Cup Holder in The Locomotive Tube. Apply The Horseshoe On The Brackets and The Hook – On The Chain With The Ring. Go to Tunnel. Give A HOOLIGAN COASTER, THEN PICK UP A HOOLIGAN Shovel. Interact with House. Apply A Tambourine to the House. Talk to Barbara ABOUT THE ROAD AND THEN ABOUT THE SICKLE, GET AS A RESULT OF BRAID. Apply Braid ON CORN. Apply Parachute On Armored Train. Take a Light Bulb, Unscrew The Base of the Broken Light Bulb. IN PLACE OF A BROKEN LIGHT BULB SCREW THE LIGHT BULB. Take the Print and Apply It To the Star. Get Into The Opened Hatch. Take A Shell. Use Manometer.


Take Scores To Go Out On The Second Floor. Descend On The First Floor Tier and Then in Shooting Gallery. Take a Gircuit and Go Back to the First Floor Tier. Go to the Left at Utility Kitchen. Take A Lighter, Go to the Corner in the Cooperative. Glotting Girches and Scores, Get Cigarettes and Sausages. Back to the Kitchen. Go to The Door Leading In The Basement. Give A HOOLIGAN CIGARETTE, TAKE A GLOBE. DisaSsemble The Globe, Get a Button. CLIMB INTO THE CHIMNEY. Take From The Table Cream, and from the Chest – Ammonia. RETURN TO THE SECOND FLOOR TIER. Go to the Pioneer Room Where to Get the Gun. Go to agitcladovka. Share Sausage. Take Cylinder. Apply a Button on the Head. THE PASSAGE WILL OPEN IN WHICH AND ENTER. Take A Photo from the Urn, Return to the Kitchen. Talk to the Grandmother and the genus a ruger on the grandmother. Go Down to the Basement. Give A Lighter To Hooligan, Get The Key. Back to the Kitchen. APPLY THE KEY ON THE CLOSED DOOR. Apply Ammonia for Architect. Go to The First Floor. Take a statement. Go Through The Second Floor, from there in the police room. Give A Photograph of A Policeman to Enter The Registry Office. Give Furman Application for Signature. Attribute a statement to the boudoir clare. Take The Dagger From The Coat of Arms. Go to a Restaurant. Give the Cylinder with the younger. Back to the Basement. Give A Dagger Hooligan. Go to a Shooting Gallery, Talk to Timur, Then in the Dining Room. SEND CREAM BUFFETCHICE, GET SAMOVAR. ATTRIBUTE SAMOVAR GLOTOV AND GET INSTEAD OF THE CITE. Go to the photoabeel. Take a Clock, After Which The Sister Of Athos. Take Hours and Get The Key From The Secret Door As a Result. Open Door in Scenery.

Location 6. “Valgalia”

Take a Broken Mirror, Book From Under the Stove. DisaSsemble The Book In The Inventory, Get Stencil. GO Left to the Square. Apply The Mirror On The Flag, Click on the Button. Go to the Museum. Apply Stencil On A Sign. Press The Button. PRESS THE BUTTON AGAIN, CHOOSE “VALGARIA”.

View Final Roller.

The End.

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