Ghost in the Sheet: Game Walkthrough and Guide

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March 25, 2022
10 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

Ghost in the Sheet: Passage
Ghost in the Sheet: Game Walkthrough and Guide
The game has no compliance, apparently associated with Russification, namely:

– On the Plan of the Omega factory there is a premises “Warehouse”, and in the course of the game it will be referred to as “pantry”.
– On the Plan of the Omega factory there is a room “Arrival Hall”, and in the game the direction to this room will be indicated as “to the lobby”. Lobby, this is an independent room, in which you can only pass through the “Arrival Hall”.

In the “Hall in”, on the floor near the staircase to the office, there will be a note with numbers 39-82-71-52, ignore it, since in the game, the necessary eight-digit number will be reported by Niez using the generator method of random numbers.

Screen: Station-input

The first ability of the ghost in the sheet – “Telekinosis”, then in the text “T”.

Check the entrance door to the funicular station, it is closed.

Check the basement doors on the right of the main door, they are closed, but they can be opened.

Use “T” to the iron rod, rod Move on the door of the basement. The basement will open.

Screen: Basement Station

Use “T” on the switch in the fuse box, on the wall on the right.

Will be supplied to something that we do not know.

Get out of the basement on the opposite staircase to the station.

Screen: Funicular Station

Go to the trolley (the funicular), we use “T” on the lever.

The lever works, but the funicular is worth. Go through the door to the left.

Screen: Dispatcher Station

A look attracts a bright strange brick on the floor.

Use “T” on a strange brick, detect Niel’s Diary.

From the diary you will learn about the fate of a certain veteran of the factory – Hansen, about Nils and his girlfriend Larisa.

Let’s notice that on the door of the basement in the room of the Omega warehouse, the castle code was often replaced.

For myself, repent date and code.

Code 5 2 9 0 – 19 July

Code 6 1 0 9 – 24 July

Code 7 0 1 8 – 7 August

At the end of the diary, you will find a service pass Niels.

Write down the number from the map of Niels “3822”.

In the far room there is a machine, above it drawing explaining the conditions for its inclusion.

Since there are no other mechanisms, it is clear – this is the console of the funicular.

Nutrition to it, has already been served from the basement station.

Work with a typewriter to turn on all indicator light bulbs.

Use “T” on the pencil, then we can press the buttons and switch the toggle.

Pencil lower the chopper, the food will be applied to the machine.

The first large button on the right activates the 4E bedlight, and they will turn on the first light bulbs.

The second large button activates the 4th small buttons, and they, in turn, will include the remaining 2 light bulbs. The third large button is the last barcode of manipulations.

The sequence of all actions is as follows:

– Switch;

– First big button;

– The first toggle switch on the left, the second toggle switch, the third toggle switch on the left (use 3 times), and the last. The first 5 light bulbs will burn;

– Second large button;

– The first small button on the left, the second left, fourth and third.

Two light bulbs will burn;

– Third large button.

The lever of the funicular will be active and the dispatching is no longer needed.

Screen: Funicular Station

From the funicular to the lever using “T”. Watch the sketch saver.

Screen: Garage

Note from the author: “I will try not to be distracted by the description of items available to the inspection, but not used in the game.”.

Upon arrival in the garage of the factory, our ghost will be given the second ability to “move” (push, press), then in the text “D”.

In the garage, the only way to the factory, through the door, but the door is blocked by the grid.

Between the grid and the window, there is a lot of garbage from which the strange sound and the locker comes.

In the upper compartment of the cabinet residue from the fire suite, in the lower darkness, the contents do not see. From the ceiling hanging pipe having an acid leakage.

On the table The code device “scale”, paper from the firefire factory of Scott Paper (the factory was a fire in the compartment “Hall in”), the pot “tank”.

Use the “D” on the scale. Enter the “3822” code (from the Niels tolerance card).

After entering the code, the lattice opens, but it turns out that the door behind it is also locked, and there is no key in the garage.

Using “T”, from the locker remove the remnants of the asbestos suit “Sleeve”.

Apply the “sleeve” on the “bank”, get a “reinforced tank”.

Using “T”, bring the “reinforced tank” to the pipe, in the area “Acid”.

Now there is a “tank full of acid”.

Using “T” apply it to a bunch of garbage. Watch the sketch saver.

In a pile of garbage, someone was hidden, scorched by someone in a panic punches two swirls behind the grille, leaving a big hole in it. Go through the hole.

Screen: Corridor-1 (to the hall “A”, “B”)

In the corridor on the wall on the right, the red strip indicates the direction in the “Hall A” (passage through the open door on the right side of the screen), and blue in the “hall in” (passage along the corridor further on the left side of the screen).

On the left wall is not a working gas device with pressure gauges.

Near the drawing, reminding the conditions for the operation of this device. Looking forward I want to warn, do not try to select ratios on manometers A: B, as shown in the picture

On the floor of the papers of Kurt – the boss of the Omega factory, its blood stains leading to the hole on the floor.

When examining a hole on the floor, it turns out that there is stuck a gatekeeper Factory Jacques Dirac.

If he himself did not die, then after meeting with you, when you suggest it to pull out, he will re-fall in a hole and no more about salvation will not be asked.

Next, in the course of the game, you will meet it again in the lobby, but as a “vision” in uniform, and not in bed.

Screen: Corridor-2 (hereinafter referred to as the hall “B”)

The door to the “Hall in” is closed. Return back and go through the open door to the “Hall a”.

Screen: Hall A-input

On the left open door in the corridor-1 (through it entered).

In the center behind drawers, the ribbon conveyor (on the screen it is not defined by the cursor, but this place will be required at the end of the game).

The door leads to the lobby (through the arrival hall-1 and 2) the red lamp is burning, the passage is open.

On the right side of the screen the passage further (deep into the hall “A”).

Screen: Hall A-Further

Return to the previous screen left.

Right pass to the “Dark Angle” or rise “on the stairs” on the upper tier of the hall.

Screen: Hall A-Dark Angle

There is a hole in the pipe and there is something lies, but there is no ability to get. Return a step back.

Screen: Hall a-top tier

From the top tier there is an overview of the entire hall.

On this screen, you can go to the corridor leading to the upper tier to the Lou “B” or approach the “strange car”.

Screen: Hall A-strange machine

There is an approach to pneumatic.

In the hole sits something that broke the door to the factory, and now stuck in the pneumatic.

It does not extract it, no ability.

On the table 2e capsules, one is open. Not yet available. Return a step back using the bottom of the screen.

Screen: Top Tier Corridor

There is a passage to the top tier of the hall “B”, the door is available.

On the right, behind the lattice there is a place marked as “Review”, where many light bugs. Their appointment is not known, move quickly, do not catch. Need some kind of ability.

Screen: Review hall

Nothing available, one review of the hall “B” from the top tier.

Remember this place, from this point you will need to apply one of the acquired abilities.

Return to the screen Hall A – Login, to continue to get acquainted with the factory and search for new evidence of the investigation. Explore the direction “K BUILD”.

Screen: Arrival Hall-1 (passage to “Hall in”)

The arrival hall as a whole is the loading area for the factory, and for the player a passage territory to other rooms “Omega”.

On the left side of the screen, the door in the “Hall A”, rightly the door to the “Hall in”, it is closed.

At the bottom of the screen, the transition around the hall further. Follow below.

Screen: Arrival Hall-2 (hereinafter)

The door from the street into the hall is broken, it will further use the character mini game, but there are two available doors.

In the premises “Dressing room” (hereinafter passing to shower) and in the room “Lobby” (hereinafter the passage to the warehouse, basement).

Screen: Lobby

The first thing you see is a vision of the gatekeeper Jacques Dirac.

The door with the inscription leads back to the “Arrival Hall-2”.

To the left of the door tablet with a factory plan. Over the tablet Ventilation unit.

From this point of review Jacques will talk with you, because he sees you.

If you go to it behind your back (for the transition to use the left part of the screen), the dialogue is not possible, but the view of the door leading to the warehouse, which was written in the Niels diary. The door to the warehouse is closed.

To get to the warehouse you need to achieve the location of the gatekeeper Jacques Dirac.

He is angry with you and vinit that you have killed him. In the dialogue with him, prove the charm of his position and then he agrees to hold you on sweets, but will warn it that he will not release back until you destroy all the rats of flooding storage.

After your consent, automatically go to the screen of the warehouse.

Screen: Warehouse

Using “T”, lift one of the three stones “The Stone of the Sidewalk” lying on the floor near the fombus.

Hover the stone on the mouse, hide behind the box to the right of the Cattarpillar, will begin the mini game “Fellows a stone mouse”.

The meaning is simple, the mouse runs down, the stone falls and flattens it and T.D.

By killing 6 mice, the task of Jacques will be performed.

Now you can view the warehouse.

Before you, the door to the basement closed on the code lock, the code of which was constantly changing, but you use “D” to try happiness. Attempt to enter the code, from the diary of Niels from August 7, will fail. The code is not known, you need to interview everyone who will meet in the factory.

On the floor, in front of the right rack, there is a last note from Niels addressed Larisa.

Be sure to read it. But where to look for it?

Judging by the plan of the factory, you can view the locker room, for this return the arrival hall – 2.

Passing by Jacques, talk to him, he will ask to turn on the fan in the lobby, but where it turns off until the riddle for you.

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