The Sims 2: Game Walkthrough and Guide

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April 5, 2022
9 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

The Sims 2: Passage
The Sims 2: Game Walkthrough and Guide
The Sims 2 – Part 1. Character Creation

Everything is relative.

The Sims has always been a good set of tools for creating characters. But, looking at the editor of Sikvel, I agree with this completely impossible. The situation when on the street could be met by his twin, forever rushed into the past. If you now meet Sima, very similar to you… think seriously, maybe he is your extramarital son?
Editor’s change influenced the individuality of not only the sims created by you, but also on the appearance of citizens, who are as inimitable. However, where there are advantages, be sure to eat. To deal with all the nuances of Sima became very difficult…
The most difficult thing is to learn to distinguish the grains from the champ and remember which parameters are the main, and which easily change during the game. It is clear that with the help of a mirror you can change the makeup, remove glasses and repel the mustache and even a three-day bristle. But if you repain your hair, then you, of course, stay with the new color of the hair until old age, but your children still inherit your natural color. And the characteristics like color and eye cut, the nose value and face form, change at all impossible.


So, you first need to enter the family name and the name of Sim, then choose its gender and age: kid, child, teenager, adult or old man. If you want to immediately stock whole clothes for Sima, then make it an old man, choose clothes for him, then change age on an adult and choose clothes and him and so on, before the age you really want to stay.
Next is the most important stage: you need to choose a skin color that cannot be changed under any circumstances. Then there is a figure of Sima – Normal or Thick. In the course of the game, you can change this parameter, forcing Simim to play sports until it acquires the Athlete Body. This, by the way, the cherished dream of many sims. If we smend into sports with your hand, lie on the sofa clock and there is a pizza, you can eat beer abdomen. Some sims are terrible afraid to fuse, so, initially creating them with thick, you thus protect them and yourself from shock that could follow after a while.
For each sim you can enter his biography. True, if the number of your families will translate a dozen, such details, like a biography, quickly stop taking you. On the other hand, a couple of lines can remind you after some time, why did you create this sim, and what goals he had to pursue. Such things, oddly enough, are instantly forgotten, and after 20 game days, when the woman created by you created five children from the third husband, and then she silently drowned in the pool, you can suddenly remember that you created it, actually, withThe purpose of marrying at it is completely different and take possession of her condition, or make an artist from her, and at all on the mother-heroine. If you divide the surroundings with others, the biography can give them an idea that you can do with your simom, and what – no. Of course, to make indirectly, through another family.
Now you have to choose the appearance of Sima. If you do not want to delay this process, simply click on the image of the cubes at the top of the screen to make the game to generate for you sim. Then you can manually fix these or other details. You can also choose the finished Sime from the “Basket”, but then the chance to meet your twins increases. To put your favorite modes for creating sims in the “basket”, and then use them again and again, use the Bodyshop utility.
Anyway, by creating a Sima, you can change your head to one of the proposed if the old one has come to taste. Choosing the hair color and hairstyle, which can then be changed, proceed to change the damn face and select the eye color. Finally, you can do accessories. Choosing a good glasses, grabbing it, and changed the eyebrow shape, you can turn the most advanced shower in the scary and vice versa. For a radical change of appearance, use the suggested mustache, bundlebards and bristles. The ability to use these details can be useful to you when you will adjust the appearance of ready-made sims, for example, children born.

After that, you choose SIME clothes, not only everyday, but also bathing suit, pajamas, underwear, the frontal vestment that the sim puts on, coming to the wedding, and a sports suit, worked in gymnastics and yoga. In addition, you can buy a wardrobe in the purchase mode, and in the city – clothes to change the sim (option “Plan Outfit”). At the same time, even if you changed casual clothes, the usual suit of Sim will still remain the old one, in which it will remember others. To change clothes radically, go in new clothes to the mirror and select “Change Appearance” (at the same time really to change the appearance is completely optional).
By the way, scraping clothes in the city, try to go not straight home, but first to come to another lot. When you still get to the house with a pile of clothes, you will find that all your capital remains with you.


But back to our ba… Simam! Having finished with the appearance of Sima, you just start up to the most important part. Now you have to choose the desire (“Aspiration”) of Sima and determine the features of its character (“Personality”)

The individuality of Simima consists of five scales with gradation from one to ten for each. This is a tidiness, sociability, activity, playfulness, as well as a parameter defining how Sim Mil is kind and tacty. In addition, individuality is directly related to the signs of the zodiac, and each sign corresponds to a completely definite combination of these scales.
The zodiac sign also determines how two sims are compatible with each other. For each sign of the zodiac are two characters with the best compatibility, and two with the worst. Depending on compatibility, two sim faster or slower becomes friends.
Thus, it is possible to scatter the data of the Some Paragraphs of individuality on the scales and see what the zodiac sign this set corresponds to. And you can first select the zodiac sign, and then manually correct some parameters. Keep in mind that they are the most factors that fully determine the behavior of Simima!

Untidy sims never wash the dishes, do not carry a garbage bucket, do not fill the bed and do not wash off in the toilet. Canning cans they throw on the floor, the flocks of the flies of them are not at all embarrassed, but they are soaked only when they carry from them. At the same time, the lack of hygiene – and it falls with them very quickly – and the mess in the room is almost not reflected in their mood. They do not eat, and literally pushed food into the mouth, and their hundreds of them are sometimes very annoying. When they wash anything, it negatively reflects on their entertainment rating. If the untidy sim too hungry, he eats the missing food without any problems, which smells badly, or even straight from the garbage bucket! Small dirty love picking in the nose and ears, and, having played with toys, they throw them.
Tidy sims in those rare moments when they do not clean the sinks, do not wash the kitchen tables and do not rub off the floor of the puddles, usually get a hairstyle or shake with clothes invisible sailters. They themselves fill the bed, several times a day are clean, they are afraid to use the public toilet and are very upset when they see the mountain of dirty plates in the room. Clean and wash delivers special pleasure to neat simamam, it entertains them. Cleaning skills (“Cleaning”) they acquire much faster than dirty.
If you do not want to turn the house in Khlev, I recommend leaving this scale at least 4 points. Then the sims will be from time to time to dump the dishes in the dishwasher, take the garbage, if it starts smelling in another room, and maybe even wash off the toilet.

Shy sims do not like group activities and need to communicate significantly less. To support this need, it is enough every morning to throw a couple of words with a pavement of newspapers or once every three days call a neighbor. Quiet introverts, they love to keep a diary, fear parties and run away in horror, if in the room where they are, suddenly there is a fight.

Sociable Sims, on the contrary, adore group activity and can suppress and even frighten our sociability. Their communication rating falls very quickly, so they constantly lead home friends and love to arrange parties. True bushes or watering flowers, Sima talk to them, and during the fight these extrovers are sick and encourage her participants. In addition, sims with increased community are sealed in a hot shared bath, even at a party, in which the mother gave birth, and men, if necessary, empty the bladder, instead of going to the toilet, go to the nearest bush. Such Simams are the easiest to give a pursuit of popularity, because then they will fulfill their desires at the same time with the satisfaction of their eternal need for communication.

Lazy Sims prefer entertainment that do not require any busy activities from them: watch TV or play chess, for example. They gladly roll on the sofa and adore in the afternoon with a book, so they do not need much time on night sleep. To run for them – too tedious occupation, and clean the book after reading – too. Even if they are fed, such sims love to cheat something and often get into the fridge behind juice and chips, because cook is so tiring! Go to work in the morning is also hard, so they can turn off the alarm clock and sleep.
Active Simes, on the contrary, love to swim in the pool, dance and play mobile games, and the TV is included only to engage in gymnastics. They never go: always either carry a broken head, or run forth. It is not surprising that with this consumption of power they need more food.

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