Ace Ventura: Game Walkthrough and Guide

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April 6, 2022
8 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

Ace Ventura: Passage
Ace Ventura: Game Walkthrough and Guide

one. After the game is started, use the rope on the rock on the right.

Apartment 1

one. Open the door with the key and enter your room.
2. When they knock on the door, open it and talk to the meld

3. After that, turn on the computer and go to Nautilus.


one. Enter the hatch to the submarine.
2. Using the cursor, the wrapping keys to the end.
3. After you insertate, go to the right (you will be caught).
4. Speak with jacques \ ‘Ohm until he leaves.
five. Get out of the dining room.
6. Take the fork from the floor.
7. Go to the left and open the fork closed door.
8. Click twice on paper that is on the table (you
Take a map).
I. Open the locker on the wall and take money from there and key.
10. Click on green fish on the wall and remember the name and password.
eleven. Take sea shell.
12. Read the book and remember the periscope code.
13. Try to take a shell with bed.
fourteen. Move bed.
15. Insert the sea shell into the hole in the wall.
16. Click on the aisle until you enter the room.
17. Discover the cabinet there and take a suit out of it.
eighteen. Click on the map on the wall.
19. Click on the island.
twenty. Take the pen.
21. Click on them 50 in longitude, then write the result on paper.
22. Click on them 50 by latitude, then write the result on paper.
23. Take this paper.
24. Go to the corridor, where did you come from.
25. Open the hatch and touch there.
26. Click on Control Platform.
27. Use the key to the key for the key.
28. Click on the lever.
29. Click on Kita while he does not swim to you.
thirty. Click on the button on its back.
31. Go to the corridor.
32. Climb the captain’s bridge.
33. Use Master Of Disguise on EYSE (everyone is running away).
34. Click on the table where the cards are.
35. Collect the map (just move all the time clockwise).
36. After you gather it on an empty place map,
which you found behind the closed door.
37. Use on the card sheet with coordinates.
38. Expand the transparent film on the right.
39. Take the pen and read the way.
40. Go to Sonar Station.
41. Click on the button to release whale.
42. Muffed by the cursor keys, hold the whale on the screen while
The island will not appear (try to keep in the center).
43. Then click on the periscope.
44. Press the right button.
45. In the crossing there is a button that includes a flashlight.
46. Enlighten the long-short-long (monster will float).
47. After that, leave the submarine outward.
48. Jump over the whales to the other side (use the key
E"left \").

Apartment after Nautilus

one. Open the door with the key and enter your room.
2. When they knock on the door, open it and talk to the meld
3. Go to the bathroom.
4. Pour water in the bath.
five. Get out of the bathroom.
6. Open the locker twice (take gloves).
7. Pull the cable from the TV.
8. Use it on the electric core on the wall.
I. Take the other end of the cable and lower it in Van.
10. Rag with aquarium.
eleven. Take it and put it on the bathroom chair.
12. Dress on ace gloves.
13. Take the electricuga and let them in the bath.
fourteen. Get out of the bathroom.
15. Click on the computer.


one. Click on the hole.
2. Ask Eskimo to take you to their leader.
3. Click at the entrance to the snow home on the right (the leader will come out and his daughter).
4. Speak with the daughter of the leader, until you sit by the fire.
five. Speak with the daughter of the leader again and tell Maidens.
6. After EIS returns to get a statue.
7. It is going like this:

+——————————+————————–+ |Like this
Slices Raskidani |So they need to collect |
+——————————+————————–+ |
+-+ |||| 8 ||
||+ – + + – + + – + |||
| 1 || 6 ||+ – + ||+ – + + – + |
| 2 |||+ – + |+ – + |
|+ – + | 4 ||| 6 |||| 2 | +-+
|+ – + ||+ – + + – + || 3 |
||| 9 ||+ – + ||
+-+ || 5 |||+ – + + – + + – + |
+-+ ||| 3 || 5 || 7 ||| 1 ||
|+ – + + – + + – + |+ – + ||
|| 9 |||| +-+

8. Click on Yellow Snow.
I. Talk to the daughter of the leader.
10. Click twice on a snowmobile.
eleven. Driving the cursor keys go to the left, three times right,
left and three times right.
12. Click on the first snowdrift and take the bone.
13. Click on the second snowdrift and take the frozen tear.
fourteen. Go to the snowmobile.
15. Drive three times right, left and right.
16. Use the tear on the antenna panel.
17. Take a screwdriver.
eighteen. Go to the snowmobile.
19. Go to the military camp.
twenty. Click several times on soldiers and snow.
21. Use Master of Disguise on Eys.
22. When you go down, click on the canister.
23. Talk to the soldiers.
24. Remove the coat with a snowmobile.
25. Sit on it and go to the right, left, left, right.
26. Click on the ax.
27. Enter the house.
28. Click on the garbage basket.
29. Click on a small carpet and click on the button below.
thirty. Enter the opened elevator.
31. Using the key"top\" Go through the flamethos.
32. When you go on the other side, click on the lever.
33. Enter the door and go down.
34. Climb the stairs and go to the left.
35. Give the bone dog.
36. Click on the green button to open the door.
37. Click on the computer.
38. Enter password \"Press".
40. There, use the DISABLE CONTROL BOX Security menu.
41. Use the Enable The Elevator Backup Power menu there.
42. Then logout.
43. Open the cabinet at the top and take from there to FOMCU.
44. Go left and open the electrical panel with a fombus.
45. Click on the electrical panel.
46. Click on the red button, blue button and then lower the lever.
47. Click on the red button, green button and then lower the lever.
48. Go to the dogs and click on the cells.
49. Get out of the room, go down the stairs and enter
a door.
fifty. Discover doors there.
51. Click on the lever.
52. Release seals from the cage.
53. Leave from here.
54. Go to the right door.
55. Click on Hot Tub.
56. Click on the barrels and use FOMCU on them.
57. Click on Hot Tub.
58. Get out of the house.

Apartment after Alaska

one. Give the money rumble.
2. Open the door with the key and enter your room.
3. When they knock on the door, open it and talk to the meld
4. Click on the computer.
five. Click on icon with spirits.
6. On this page, click on the picture with whale and not letting
Mouse buttons transfer it to the bottom right corner of the screen (where where
Cross) and release the mouse button.
7. Click on a treasure chest icon.
8. On this page, transfer to the cross a picture with a shell.
I. Click on the icon with golf clubs.
10. On this page, move the picture with an eagle to the cross, and then
eleven. After that enter the name \"Jacques \" and password \"NEMO \".
12. Click on a letter icon.
13. Write \"order \" on the \"GENUINE SEAL OIL POLISH \" And \"Baby Whale
fourteen. After that click on \"Special Offer \" and then on \"PLACE ORDER \"
three times.
15. When you knit at the door, open it and talk to the bath.


one. When you find yourself in the room.
2. Take a white card from the floor.
3. Try to open the window.
4. Enter the door.US Lardus.
five. After that click on the electrical panel and go to the right.
6. Now follow the fat man until you close in the room.
7. Click on the door.
8. Get out through the window.
I. There on Lianam Climb the roof with antenna.
10. Use twice on it with coordinates.
eleven. Go down, go to the right, go down the liana and
12. Climb in the window.
13. Here click on all subjects.
fourteen. Get out through the door.
15. Go down on the stairs.
16. Go first left and then right.
17. Click on the ax on the armor of the knight.
eighteen. Enter the pass.
19. Click twice on the electric panel.
twenty. Solve the riddle.
21. She is solved like this:
You must make the way to the left of the right. This is done like this: first
Selecting the ball and the line of the same color should be connected to it,
Further should be half the ball of the same color. After that, you can
or go to another half of the ball or spend the line of the same
Colors condensed with her. Note that false paths exist
22. Go to the right.
23. Use a white card on the castle and enter the passage.
24. Once you are tied to click on the mirror on the table.
25. Go down and then right into the passage.
26. Put the armor and go to the right.
27. When you fight the bath, tell me something and then
Click on the bag under which it is.
28. Click on the gun.
29. Click on the lever on the right.
thirty. Now driving the cursor keys hide at first for one
Column and click on \"ENTER \", until she collapses and then
same with the second column.
31. Get out of the building with animals.
32. Everything!!!

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