TOM CLANCY’S RAINBOW SIX: Vegas: Game Walkthrough and Guide

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April 14, 2022
10 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

TOM CLANCY’S RAINBOW SIX: Vegas: Game Walkthrough and Guide
Passage Rainbow Six Vegas:

Mexican border


After landing from the helicopter, go straight down the street. Before leaving the area, hide behind a small stone slab and wait for a terrorist appearance from around the corner to the right. Having killed him, go to the square, where to hide behind the fence of the monument so that you can control the street on which cars are standing. From there, a pair of enemy soldiers will soon appear. Hold down the R key (by default), pinch the muffler to your machine, so that no noise does not attract attention, after which you kill the fighters that appeared. Next, go to the left corner of the area and pass in the alley to go out into the flank by enemy fighters, located on the street.

At the exit from the alley, click on the left wall to look out due to the corner. At the end of the street you will see three fighters, throw a grenade in their face. Exploding, she will kill two, but the third hides behind the concrete slab and opens fire. You need to quit a smoke grenade in his side and when the smoke spreads, run across the street and enter the alley opposite.

Having understood with the remaining shooter, go to the right on the street to an open door in one of the houses, then pass the inside of the building. In the hallway there is a terrorist who can be killed, leaning out due to the corner. Then go to the closed door and use the “spy eye” to rate the atmosphere inside the room. After that, click on the wall to the left of the door, open it and throw a grenade into the room. Next, rise to the second floor and go through the open door to the left of the staircase. Once in the room, climb the vertical stairs to the roof. Shoot the guard and go to the left edge of the roof. There you will see the iron hook to which you can attach the rope.

Going down, go ahead along the street, shooting a couple of terrorists, then roll to the left, on a parallel street and go to her end. Return to the main street and go along it to the building, the courtyard of which is fenced with iron grille. The building is guarded by three fighters: the first is located on the balcony of the second floor, the second is in the courtyard, and the third comes running on the left, with a parallel street when you finish off the first two. Next, go along the street, where the last fighter appeared, to the corner of the house. There, press the wall and look in the alley on the right. On the balcony of the second floor you will see a terrorist controller. He will notice you anyway, so they will shoot it as soon as possible and switch to the second villain, which will appear due to the low fence.

Having finished the fight, transfer through the fence and go through the alley. At the exit of it, squeeze the left wall and look at the angle. Near the vehicle standing on the sidewalk you will see a couple of thugs shooting on the roof of the church on which your guys defend. Open fire terrorists and wait for the moment when one of your comrades will throw a smoke grenade on the road. When smoke closes the enemy overview, run inside the temple and go up to the roof.

Resting with your group, reflect the attack of the enemy, which will attack you from the roofs of the houses on the left and right of the church. Next descend to the main hall, there you will have to brand a little again to stop the enemy penetration through the main entrance. After the fight, go out into the street and go on the way to the goal, located behind the jeep, standing at the sidewalk. Give your guys to explode the gate and take a position for the car. When the gate is destroyed, open fire on the enemy.

Cleaning the street from the enemy, go ahead. At the end of the street, turn right and pass between the houses to get to the warehouse building. Once in place, send a group to the door. When your fighters take a position, order them to enter inside and clean the room (B by default). Next, pass through the warehouse to the long goal and go through them to the street. Before you will be the building in which you should get. Send your fighters to the bottom door, and you yourself are climbing the stairs to the top door. Take the spy chamber there to find out what is happening outside the door. There is a pair of terrorists behind it. After you finish inspection, order fighters to break into the door and simultaneously penetrate the building through the top door. Killing the villains standing outside the door, hide behind the fence and from there Open the fire on the enemy engaged in the top level of the building. After stripping the territory, go to the right distant corner of the hall, where there is a passage to the railing. There to give your fighters the order to go down the rope.


To get started open the green box. This will allow you to replenish the wip and change the weapon. After that, go through the door to fresh air. Move along the wagons to a two-storey building, holding the left wall. When you find yourself there, order your soldiers to take a position at the door, and then log in inside and clean the room.

Having passed through the first floor, go out into the street and keep moving along the wall. The enemy will be mainly located to the right of you, hiding in the wagons and containers. When you get to the main depot building, climb on the vertical staircase going along the pillar. Enter the building inside and go to the next room through the door opposite. There is a single passage leading to the room where hostages hold.

Position the group near the door and exploration using a spyware to designate goals for their partners, after which give them an order to break into the room using blinding grenades.

Freeing hostages, go through the right door. When you find yourself on the balcony, pay attention to the building located behind the railway tracks. You need to get there.

Go down and go along the wagons to the right, then fold to the depot. All enemies will remain on the left side of the paths, so danger can come only from there. When you get to the building, go out to a small bridge from which you and your partners can descend on the ropes.

Once on the rails, move along the locomotive of deep down buildings. The entrance is guarded by the entire pair of terrorists – one is located near the locomotive, and the second is hiding in the upper room. Having understood with them, keep moving to lock plates. Once near them, take the position along with your team and be prepared to reflect the attack of the enemy soldiers that appear from depot depth. After resistance is broken, cross the railway tracks and go to the hall where some units are installed. From there, raise the stairs to the next room and go to the door located at the end of the corridor. From there Go down. You need to go to the far mine to secure the ropes and go down to the lower level.


Coming out of the corridor, go left from the central tunnel. To the right of you you will see a hole in the wall – go back there. At the end of the corridor you will find two doors. To the first send their partners, pointing them to priority goals using a spy chamber. After that, take the position of the second door and give the command to break into the cave using light grenades. Irene – the leadership of terrorists – it will be possible to hide behind the iron door in the depths of the cave. The barrier you can destroy with the help of explosives, which is available from your guys.

Take a capture Ataman. Waking up you will understand that there are alone. You have to find out where your partners are played.

Running to your feet, go through the tunnel to the right to a small site. From there go to the left corridor. When you enter it, follow the left wall so as not to skip the hole through which you can “flip” one of the terrorists. On the tunnel fork, make another bad guy standing at the top of the staircase. Having done it, go to the left by the corridor. At the next fork, hide the box to attack the militants standing in the right tunnel from the ambush. Cleaning the passage, go on it to the end. In a place where the tunnel is split, go left. Deal with the militants as they appear. When go down the stairs, be prepared for the fact that you will have to fight off the terrorists and on the left side, and with the right. After checking out, go to the right side of the hall and go to the door, without fear.

The escape

Having passed through the second door, run to the end of the passage. Along the left wall hangs the rope, you need to climb to the very top. Exit from the mine is guarded by three militants: the first is at the railil, the second – for the bags folded into the stack, and the third one behind the door. Having understood with them, go to the nearby room and go through the door to a small room. From there, go through a locked bivalve door.

In the opening room, try to move quieter, go ahead, squeezed. When you get the corner, look around – the window you will see a militant who stands to you back. Hide behind the post on the left. From there to shoot the sentry, using the weapon with the silencer. The noise of the fallen body is alarmed by the militants located below, so take the vertical staircase on the sight near the post from the pillar. For her very soon, another person will rise. Having finished with him, turn on the window to meet the terrorists hurrying.

Having reading the second level, go to the railing to the left of the pillar, followed by which you hid and go down from them along the rope. From there, go to the transition directly, meeting the fire of militants running to meet you. When you go down the stairs, go to the long part of the hall. On the right there will be another staircase, climb on it and go through the door on the left side of the large warehouse. To the left of the door you will see a security guard. He will be one. Surride to it, hiding behind the boxes, as close as possible, and then shoot a gun in the head, just do not forget to fasten the muffler. Next, move along the wall in the far part of the hall, to the stairs. Carefully go to the railing – the machine-gun turture is at the bottom you will see another militant. Enter with him the same as with his friend. Next descend to the turret and hide behind the boxes, it will allow you to open fire on the militants below. I do not advise you to use the machine gun, the practice has shown that it is very uncomfortable, you will certainly shoot faster than you can deal with all opponents.

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