Legendary: Game Walkthrough and Guide

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April 18, 2022
10 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

Legendary: passage
Legendary: Game Walkthrough and Guide

Legendary – Pretty interesting game for your genre Action. Beautiful worked graphics, interesting plot. The game is quite diverse, so I don’t think that quickly get bored.


The game begins with how the main character penetrates the room in which there is an ancient relic. He is trying to activate her, and he does it well. A pillar of not understandable energy rushes to the ceiling. You must run.

During this time you will be trained, just perform the actions that will be displayed on the screen.

Explosions are heard in the circle. What’s happening? As soon as possible, choose from the museum. You will help the arrow that appears when “Q” is pressed.

On the street, the picture is no better, we see the air opened the portal through which various monsters penetrate. Run on, do not stop. If you get lost, use the arrow. On the way you will run through the store. In it you will find the first weapon – an ax. Break them to barricades.

We run on. Do not stop. On the way you must find a gun, take it, but do not use. Run until the video appears.

In it will show you a new opportunity. You can double pressing the “F” to push the enemy. And after the video try this innovation on the boxes. Then run on. On the way you run through the subway. There you will see a new kind of monsters. Fire freaks that appear because of all holes that are flames.

I do not advise you to beat them, it’s not why. Run on. But here’s the second time you meet them, Bates. Make your way further if you get to the dead end then look at the arrow.

When you choose from the subway, you will attract a helicopter with armed soldiers to the local police. Kill them, and then run to the building, look by arrow. There you are waiting for a policeman. He will help you. You must get to the warehouse. The bottom line is that you need to go to the subway, the entrance to which is on the other side of the street.

The warehouse will be a small problem, you need to open the door. To do this, activate the console on the top floor. After that, through the door, go on until you go outside. With the right there will be descent in the subway. Now you have a long walk on New York metro. At the end of the way you will meet with the partner of the main character.

How to find out you opened the drawer Pandora. And must restore order and close it. But first, clean the station, from the soldiers armed to the teeth. You will come to the rescue of a fairly large number of US.

After that, follow the arrow leave the subway.

Steel Monster

How do you need to remember, the city has no very beautiful monsters. And one of them is a monster created from, metal and foundation. He ruins the whole building that are in close. You must destroy it.

For this you need to charge three electromagnetic devices. But first stroll through the sewage system. This to horror the huge monster caused a light earthquake, and you failed down. To find out the arrow. Kill all monsters.

Finding the output, you will see the first device. Charge it your energy. Come and press F. If the energies are not enough, do not be mistaken. All this time you will be on healthy bushes. Borrow it with them.

After a good charging, go on the road. The second device is located in the subway. And again you have to go down to this terrible, dirty place. Look at the arrow and you will successfully get to him.

There will be awaited US soldiers. But everything would be so easy. On the way, you had to see a new kind of monsters, so cute to Zhuti Fay, which at a certain moment turn into terrible, pimp, small, toothy girls, with wings. So, these wonderful creatures raised three details of this device. You must find them. Pretty simple task Use the arrow.

As soon as you find everything, come back to the group commander. While he collects, you must kill, any note that will suit you. After this charge the device and choose from the subway.

It’s time to charge the third device. It is in a skyscraper building. Take advantage of the near fire machine. Climb the second floor. This time, the vile “fairies” will move the device itself and you must run from the floor to the floor to charge it. After that, descend again into the sewer. After another walk through the sewage, the mission ends.

Wheel of the helicopter

The main character is sent for information on the box of Pandora, which the Order revealed during the study of the box. But on the road to helicopters, griffins are attacked, and you make a forced landing. You must get into the nearest little town. There you are waiting for several units of soldiers who will help you in search.

On the way, you will not meet evil weakens and armed people in black equipments. To survive well, adjust the mouse and save the cartridges. If you get lost, click on “Q” – will help you find the right way.

In the center of the city you are waiting for a small number of soldiers “Council”. Now you must restrain positions before the arrival of the helicopter. It will not be so who is easy. The main thing is to be worn around and save the cartridges.

Here he is helicopter. Rami flew. But what happens? One of the werewolves attacks the pilot – the helicopter suffers collapse. Now you are with your people themselves.

The cathedral

Now your task is to penetrate the cathedral. Follow your people. You get under the shelling of people from a black order. Load them and go to the Cathedral.

In the cathedral, you will be attempted to kill a bunch of evil worm and people in the “black”. Also, they will not do without “fairies” they will not try to block your way once. Just be attentive to all things.

In the cathedral, you will meet the griffin, which kids interrupted the root. He will kill your assistant. Do not touch him, you are not under power. Run on the other side of the cathedral, see the arrow. There hack the door and farther.

You got to your people. They prepare the assault of the cathedral. Here and the most interesting thing begins. To begin with, you should get to the second floor. Staircase on the other side of the cathedral that black Order. Send them all. In addition to them, you will meet there and hoists, but do not rush to kill them, they can serve as a good weapon against the Order.

On the second floor history is the same, everywhere people in black equipment. This time you need to use the bridge on the second floor to get on the other side. But as always, not everything is so simple as it seems. On the bridge, a man who removes electromagnetic shields will kill the werewolf, and you will have to hold the position against the small army of the iswolf. My advice to you keep closer to the non-disconnected shield, because at the end of this, cheerful situation, the griffin appears, which to land in the opposite side of this place.

After all this, descend again to the first floor. Clean everything there and go to the laboratory of the Order. On this mission is completed.


Now you were taken to the headquarters of the Council of the Council in London. Drain here, then go to the room in which the Pandora drawer is studying. There you are waiting for you to tell important information. But during the conversation, something happens, attacked the base. Run to the elevator to climb the roof. There you are waiting for a not big squad.

You must get to the roof, the task is quite simple. Just shoot the monsters that will attack you while lifting. Rising, you see how the building storms a black order, but this is not the main problem, the griffins fly over the headche and attack helicopters, get rid of those and others. Griffins are effective pomegranate, just aim and shoot. It is located right at the exit. As the griffins extermines, go to the distance of the roof. If you get lost, click “Q”.

After success in this not such a simple task, you become a witness, as a huge octopus breaks up. And again use the bazooka to go in the tentacle, and shoot. Octopus pain breaks the wall of the building, run there. Now you have a long walk in London building. On the way you will be, both orders and various types of monsters. Focus on arrows.

After so many exciting walks, you go back to the roof. Huge tentacles of octopus break Big Ben. We again get our bazooka and shoot a monster. Now you have to kill him, for this first shoot on his tentacles, and when he comes into rage and opens his mouth, then send a rocket right into the mouth. This is the last task in this mission.

Tower Order

After the defeat of the Council, the Black Order captured the Pandora drawer and is going to subordinate all the monsters. You must prevent him from any ways to do it.

All London is destroyed. You are with people from the “Council” are in the ruins of some kind of home. You need to go down down Go deep into the ruins. Focus on the arrow, first you need to spoil the lifting crane to which steel beams are mounted. They will fall, forming a bridge, to another collapsed house.

After that, transfer to another house and descend to the bottom. Here you will be waiting for Lida from the Order. Kill them all, and follow, arrows go down in the subway. And again a long, not a fun walk through the meter. Again, you will be trying to eat wheels, beetles and many other monsters. It all depends on you, from your reaction.

At the end of the way you are waiting for armed people from the “Council”. They reported that the leader of the Black Order was in the skyscraper, he tries to launch a device that will subordinate monsters. Go there and prevent him. To get there, the arrow will help you (“q”) and your skill acquired in the game. Kill everyone and everyone who will see.

In the skyscraper intensively use elevators. Reaching the floor where the laboratory is located, you will be expecting a surprise. Here is to be imprisoned your partner. Free her, she will help you. To do this, climb to the control panel at the level above. Activate it. Return to Ne.

Now climb the roof, to the power management center. Here you get a new task, you need to de-energize the power field that protects the Cup. For this you need to blow up three generators, just come to each and activate the consoles. This is a rather simple mission, you will be disturbed by people from the Order and Werewolves.

After success, run to the box Pandora. You must overload the energy drawer. Just come and click “F”. After that, enjoy the roller, the game is passed.

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