Vietcong: Fist Alpha: Game Walkthrough and Guide

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April 19, 2022
10 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

Vietcong: Fist Alpha: Passage
Vietcong: Fist Alpha: Game Walkthrough and Guide
Mission 1: bomber collapse

Go on the stream to the crash area of the plane (the map is the most closest to you). On the way in the stream, one stretch will be installed, two more traps (stretching and spikes) will be installed in thickets when approaching the aircraft. Reaching the aircraft, contact the database. Complete to the southeast until behind you do not seem, they will be in the rural area. Observe this group, and then, reaching the tunnel, through which the stream flows, climb the hill in the northeast. Hold on the right and go towards the attached bridge for which the pilot will have to lead. Observe them, and then talk to the pilot. Contact the database. Go to the north, and then east, to the point of evacuation. Fear falling on the mountain in the south-east, there can be sitting either sniper or a simple soldier. Having reached the platform where the helicopter will be able to land, contact the radio. While you will wait for the arrival of the “turntables”, we protect the territory adjacent to the landing site. A minute before the arrival of the helicopter again, contact the radio, and then jump on his board.

Mission 2: Operation “Golden Dar”

Upon arrival at the specified location, contact the database. Go to the north-west to the village, while without any incidents. Go through the village and at the very end you will find an elder. After talking to him, the village attack from the southwest side. I recommend to take a position on the hills in the north-west near the house and from there to shoot from the enemy. After the first group of the enemy is destroyed, contact the base and prepare for the second attack, this time on both sides: from the southwest and from the North-West. I recommend to leave the old position and move a little back, for example, for the home of the elder. After the second enemy group is eliminated, report the situation on the basis. Go along with the local resident of the South-West connected to your team (from there the main attack of the enemy). Having done a small distance, you will come across a couple that will be on a huge painted tree, which plays the role of the bridge. Having understood with them, go to the thickets ahead.
Go to the West, after reporting the atmosphere. As soon as stones will be shown ahead, know that the enemy will be hidden behind them, in three people. By killing them all, contact the base, and then move to a huge crevice in the southwest. On the other side will move a group that goes to the bridge through the crevice. You now need to go there (southeast), so we will soon meet with them. Having understood near the bridge with numerous, contact the base. After that cross the bridge and go to a safe distance. As soon as the bronns engineer laid explosives, talk to him twice to blow up the bridge (for the first time, most likely, he will give you cartridges). Now contact the base and go to the West. Code Lim Something will suspect, do not go further between the cliffs, here is an ambush! Instead, climb on the slope next to catch the enemy by surprise. With no problem, putting all the enemies, report the basis of this unforeseen situation and head to the evacuation point, where the “turntushka” will pick you up.

Mission 3: Operation “Pandora Box”

From the helicopter shoot all the enemies that notice. The more you “put”, the less worker will remain for you when you go to your two. Landing near the temple, move in his direction. Hide behind different shelters and shoot enemies, then go to the main goal. Install explosives on them and depart. After 30 seconds, the gate will explode, and you can get inside the temple. Kill all in the territory of the temple, and then go to the south-east. Kill the sniper fallen in the house in front of you, and to the left of this house will find the descent to the underground plant. Contact by walking with the base, and then, when Bronnson will throw a grenade, go down to the ground. Inside are not so many zakolekov, so run them all without my help and kill everyone . After Bronnson establishes explosives, you must find any important information that will be interested in exploration. From the entrance to the underground plant, go forward and turn right. Go forward again and then turn right again. From the table in the dining area Take the folder with documents. Select outward and contact the database to report on the task. Leave the borders of the temple and wait for the helicopter to land (at that moment the enemy may appear on the territory). Jump into the helicopter and fly in Nui Pek.

Mission 4: Defense Camp Nui Pek

Follow Nguyen to the captain. Having received instructions from him, go to the post to change Hornstera, for this also follow the Nguyen. Take the place in the bunker more comfortable and wait… The enemy will make you take away your presence only at dawn, it is then that the camp will turn into a mass attack. Bring out some time at your disposal there will be an automatic machine gun, sniper rifle and several grenades. When the enemy starts to shoot from mortars, by team, retreat to the camp itself. Talk to the captain to get a task to destroy mortars together with bronus. Go for him to a minefield for which you can bypass the enemy. Go to the trail behind Bronson, step to the side – and you are a corpse. Successfully passed the mine field, contact the captain by radio. On the only path, go deep into the forest until you get pump on the machine gunner. Kill him and then neutralize the trap in front of him. Against the background of the earth, it is not so easy to notice. Go further along the path and, as soon as the swamp will seem ahead, go to the northeast to mortar calculations, killing everyone on the way. Install the explosives for each mortar, and after the explosion, make sure of the death of all . Return through the forest to the Nui Pek camp in the south.

Mission 5: Operation “Kulak Alpha”

Stealth-mission. You will be in the heart of the enemy and do everything very quiet so that no one discovered you. Before starting the mission, choose a gun with a silencer. So, arriving at the scene, order the conductor of Nuhuta to lead the team. The first warning of NAHUT about nearby – false, so order him to move on. Having received the second warning, alone move forward on the right side and, ending between the tree and the “wall” on the right, find in the bushes in front. If you do not see, use binoculars, it helps a lot at such moments. Killing the enemy, follow the conductor on. When he stops, move forward and kill the enemy near the sovereign tree. Now look at the south-east and, discovering two in the bushes, kill them with the shooting shots. Go for the NChut again and after his stop, take place behind a pale yellow tree trunk. Kill one in the eastern direction, then go to the sovereign tree trunk ahead and kill the second narrow-eyed in the southeast direction. Go to the first killed, kill the enemy sitting ahead, between the two stones, then do the two who are sitting at different trees, a little left of you. Return to the conductor in the same way as they reached, and order him to lead the team. Very soon you will get to the territory where you will have to produce sabotage actions.
Go for Nukhuta. When he warns about the enemy, move north and wait for one that should appear from the West. Quietly kill it from the gun, and then go to the north to the distance of the visibility of the anti-aircraft. Her erase two, kill them silently so that they do not notice you. If someone detects you, then the mission will be failed. If from the west side on a shallow trench, it will come to you, after you grab the anti-aircraft, quickly and most importantly quietly deal with him. Hold on the right and go to the northwest. When Nhut says you go on to one, you will get closer to the entrance to the tunnel and kill the soldier walking from the entrance to the tunnel to the Gaubice, before he can raise the alarm. Close into the tunnel and go to the room on the right, labeled around on your map. Kill the soldier there and quickly go down to the room with the radio. Kill a radar, and then install explosives on the radio. Until the explosion thundered, go back to my team. Successfully completing the first part of the sabotage plan, contact the database and reports to them about your actions. Now clean the entire terrain from the enemies, and then begin to undermine the warmts, which are marked on your map of crosses. To do this, call the bronns engineer and click on the Gaubitsa. When the second – the last one will be destroyed, the next group of the enemy will come. Observe them, and then go to the beginning of this level (enough to go for the anti-aircraft, which you beat off the enemy at the beginning).
Together with the Crocker and Hornster, move to the position that the crocker must occupy (marked on the map). Kill the sitting nearby, and then return to the beginning of the level. Hold the left side and go down the slope. Shot out of a gun in a soldier standing for the shelter. Rise upside down ahead and go to Zenitke marked on the map like Aagun. Without noise, kill three soldiers guarding the gun. After Hornster takes its position, go on the trajectory drawn on the map. Kill the sentry sitting on the slope and go down on the road where you kill one more soldier. Close down the slope on the other side and go towards the cross, which is listed on your map near the evacuation area. Kill the second hour. Compare to the self deforated to contact with command with command. The first part of the task is behind, nothing has remained. Go down to the road and go to the enemy camp. Start shooting everything that moves, in this you will actively help the team that took advantageous positions over the camp. Find an enemy commander in his hut and kill him ruthlessly. Collect all documents lying on the table as well as under it. Now go to the tank with gasoline and install explosives on it. While the timer will count on a second, run to the evacuation point, where with the help of a deforacy contact the base. Correct the whole team here and do not let the enemy break down to the landing site. Once you let the smoke veil, contact a radio with the Pilot “Turntushki”, and soon he will pick you up.

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