Railroad Tycoon 3: Game Walkthrough and Guide

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April 22, 2022
9 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

Railroad Tycoon 3: Passage
Railroad Tycoon 3: Game Walkthrough and Guide
Economy of railways

Get rich will succeed only by building a large transport network. First cling to the most favorable possibilities of transportation, use not so many borrowed funds, do not buy too expensive locomotives, do not build a large number of maintenance facilities, do not attempt to connect hard-to-reach points. Objective at the first stage of development: It is advantageous to start at least a dozen of trains that will help to recoup the company’s work.
The economic situation in the country is reflected in the newspapers. The forecast of the development of economic activities (decay, crisis, prosperity, boom) is interrelated with the number of products produced and consumed. Also from the news you can get more information about your own promotions, competitors, new locomotives and other random events.
Construction paths. As a rule, there are always two alternative ways to achieve the goal: direct and bypass. The direct path is the shortest but more expensive, includes tunnels through the mountains, stone and steel bridges across the rivers, crossing the hills. Overcomes and least costly way only wooden bridges use and, mostly, the plains adheres. Although the second road will be longer, the movement on it will be faster, for example, due to the lack of elevations that dramatically slow down the speed of the train. In any case, in the presence of funds, you should not save on tunnels and expensive bridges, as they pay off the reduction of time for one flight. Some maps have a special restriction: connecting paths, t.E. A new way can be laid, only continuing already built rails. Electrification of paths allows the use of electrical locomotives, which have excellent acceleration indicators, reliability, speeds in equally terrain and the lowest operational costs. Any construction, with the exception of the possessions of another company, can be demolished for a certain amount of money. For example, the price of plant destruction is equal to the cost of its purchase.
Cities. Than they are larger, the greater the amount of goods they produce and consume. The size of the city is expressed in the number of stars. Connect shopping centers with small villages to develop them. Sometimes there will be proposals on the inclusion in the transport network of some cities for a cash prize, but, as a rule, the amount will not pay off even the construction of the road.
Passengers and mail. At the beginning of the script, they are practically absent. But gradually with the development of cities, these transportation will become one of the main sources of income. The further there are two cities, the bigger profit can be obtained.
Goods. Presented in all variety of species. Map of economic districts will tell: where and by what cargoes the difference between the price of the manufacturer (red arrows) and the consumer (green arrows) will be the greatest. Black marks denote the available amount of goods. Resource bases are not reconnected, not restored, are not improved, therefore, if necessary, connect several farms (mines) to ensure the need of one plant.
Enterprises. Income can be obtained from simple carriage of goods and from owning any production. In order for the newly acquired plant to bring a stable profit, the train will have to, delivering the resources you need and taking ready-made products. The income of your enterprise is made from the shipment of products to the station and is equal to the difference between the current price and expenses (the work of the workers + the cost of materials). Thus, it is advantageous to bring cheaper resources or simply greater than their quantity, which will increase profits. Improvement of production will increase the volume of products produced by 2 times;It is recommended to conduct it as soon as the number of resources at the station exceeded 3-5 units. Do not forget to deliver ready-made products, t.to. If a large stock will be copied in the city, the plant will stop production, because expenses will not be compensated by a low price at the station. If you decide not to build any factory, but to buy an already existing, then consider the price factor: an enterprise operating in the city center, through which the railway passes, resources are received and the products will be held, it will be worth ten times more than a unprofitable plant on the outskirts. Purchasing production, if possible, buy and base resources for it (fruit gardens – alcohol plant), t.to. all they will definitely pay off using your trains. Two identical factory will reduce each other’s income (if one of them is not yours, then it is suppressed), but allow you to produce more products, the main thing is to take advantage of it from the station. The harder the production cycle, the bigger profit from it can be obtained. Example: iron, coal – on steel-smelting plant;sawn timber, iron, steel – on the weapon factory;steel, iron – on a military plant;Ready weapons and ammunition – in the barracks. Location All 3 plants can be within one station, which will significantly reduce the length of the cycle and simplifies it, but you will lose part of the income, which could be obtained if, for example, carry steel on military production. The bigger number of enterprises you own, the greater the total cost of the company (net capital), also this indicator takes into account the monetary assessment of trains, stations, service buildings.

Stations. Trains are three species, and the largest takes place the largest amount of funds for construction and content, but covers the largest zone. Do not save at the stations and capture in their spheres of influence as many useful objects (houses, production). Stations can be expanded with free space. Choosing any product from the list on the built station, you can use the largest difference in the cost of goods between cities. The restaurant increases the income from the transport of passengers, the building of the mail allows a greater number of letters to wait for the station at the station. Hotels are built in points where passengers go from one train to another. All these special buildings are better to have only in large cities at a decent distance from each other, t.to. Otherwise, they will mutually reduce their income.
Locomotives. Do not regret money on maintaining the transport park in good condition. The more powerful locomotive, the faster it will overcome the slope of the path and reach the destination. Especially this benefit is noticeable in the field of passenger traffic. Optimally every 10-15 years produce the replacement of old locomotives to new, which sharply reduce the probability of breakage. Fuel expenditures of diesel trains are about a third of their income, but their tight power allows even long compositions to cross almost any hill.
Security. Trains need a permanent supply of sand (speed on slopes), water (speed) and oil (probability of breakdown). On each way, have a sufficient number of maintenance towers and 1-2 repair shops, and put them next to each other, so that the trains spend less time to accelerate after stopping. By drawing up a route plan, you can travel through one point or city. Having placed the depot at this point, you can save on repair, but keep in mind that the engine can break on the other end of the road. If immediately after the accident you did not replace the locomotive, then it disappears from the list of trains, so always keep the financial reserve.
Order orders. Automatic mode offers only to choose a product or download type by distributing the required quantities. Individual – allows you to accurately indicate the number of cars and types of cargo for the train;Use it if you are sure that the required amount of goods will always be available at the station, for example, there is a factory, which regularly deliver resources. Be careful, driving a maximum and minimum loading sliders: transportation can stand for a long time at the station in anticipation of the required amount of goods, although several cargo cars are ready at once at the next stop to send. Empty trains are also not recommended to drive, so optimally use the ratio of 2-7 (for heavy wagons – 2-4, until powerful locomotives are invented). The eighth (5th) carriage is advisable to make a service, which will shorten the chance of breakdown halve. Naturally, the longer the composition, the less its speed. Add a car-restaurant to passenger trains, which will increase the income from these traffic by 20%. Types of automatic download: any cargo, any freight (only goods), any courier (passengers, mail, soldiers). Trains automatically choose only those goods that will bring profit at the destination point. If there are no such, then the transport will not move anywhere, awaiting your orders.

Routes. You can select several styles. – Each item is connected to the largest city on the map, and it contains all infrastructure facilities (hotel, restaurant). – Cities are connected through one;In terms of each train – 2 stops. – Driving between the two remote cities, the train stops at each station. – Any cities are connected on the basis of . Combined Style uses the elements above.
Traffic. Motion density is displayed on the corresponding map in mode . When the number of trains is increasing, in areas of large stations appear, where the trains pass each other for a long time. Pay attention to the red sections of the circuit and add an additional kolas there;Also, solving this problem, you can build workarounds. Any option is a problem area, but will increase road maintenance costs.
Territory. Get access to the lands of another country – expensive pleasure. However, almost always this is a very profitable purchase, t.to. Opens you new resources (perhaps, those who are absent on the expanses of the native state), city and production.
Stocks and bods market. Using available tools, you can increase (decrease) the share of the player in the company, buying (selling) shares. Shares of rival companies will be useful to receive income on them if the companies themselves develop successfully. Also, a large share in the company of competitors will allow you to shift the current manager and take its place, but in this case the similar post of your company will have to leave. You can purchase securities and in debt, but if the course starts to decline, the broker will force you to sell the number of shares required to achieve a positive balance in the bank account. Remember that the real wealth of the player is cash, t.to. their value does not depend on the oscillations of the securities market.

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