LEISURE SUIT LARRY: RELOADED: Game Walkthrough and Guide

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May 2, 2022
10 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

LEISURE SUIT LARRY: RELOADED: Game Walkthrough and Guide
It all begins, like exactly twenty-five years ago: Before the start of the game, we are offered to go through a small test. Having answered five questions (each time they can change), we will plunge into the world of exciting adventures of the seductor of female hearts Larry Lope. When we ask about age, choose any answer besides “less than 15” and “more than 100”. We proceed directly to the issues yourself:

Question: Before He Became A Star, Bruce Willis Was .. Answer: A bartender
Question: Bill Cosby Has Never Sold .. Answer: Babies
Question: Chicago is not .. Answer: An Opera
Question: CompUserve Was An .. Answer: Online Service
Question: Emeril: “BAM!” Answer: Anne Robinson: “You are the Weakest Link”
Question: Komodo Dragons Are .. Answer: Real.
Question: Minoxidil Is Used to Treat .. Answer: Baldness
Question: Not That There’s Anything Wrong With That Was Popularized On The TV Show .. Answer: Seinfeld
Question: Roberta Williams Designed .. Answer: Computer Games
Question: Rudy Giuliani Used to Be .. Answer: MAYOR OF NEW YORK CITY
Question: Steve Fossett Was The First Person To .. Answer: Travel Around The World In A Balloon
Question: The Biggest Bankruptcy In Is History Involved .. Answer: Enron.
Question: The Incredible Edible .. Answer: EGG
Question: The Motto of the US Marine Corps is .. Answer: Semper Fi
Question: Theodor Geisel Is Also Known As .. Answer: Dr. Sess
Question: Tornadoes Sem Magnetically Drawn To .. Answer: Trailer Parks
Question: What Did Some People Call French Fries for a Brief Time in the Early 2000s? Answer: Freedom Fries
Question: What is a porcelain goddess? Answer: Toilet
Question: What TV Show Ended In 2004 After 10 Seasons? Answer: Friends
Question: What Was Going to Cause The World’s Computers to MalFunction? Answer: Y2K
Question: Whats That Little Thing On The Tip Of Your Shoelace? Answer: AGLET
Question: Which “Right” IS Spelled Wrong? Answer: Copywright
Question: Which Desert Is Also The Name Of A Past or Present Las Vegas Casino? Answer: Sahara
Question: Which Famous Performer’s Son Used to Be Her Daughter? Cher
Question: Which Haircut Grew Out of A TV Show? Answer: Rachel
Question: Which Musical Act Insulted The President of the United States and Vanished from Many Radio Stations? Answer: Natalie Maine of “The Dixie Chicks”
Question: Which of these Games Came First? Answer: Pong
Question: Which of these IS A DANCE? Answer: The Macarena
Question: Which Of These Is Not A Kind of Sushi? Answer: Kirigami
Question: Which of these IS Not a Part of the Human Body? Answer: Mound of Glory
Question: Which of these is not anorth of clothing? Answer: Peccadillo
Question: Which of these ISN’t a Old Internet Search Engine? Answer: Finditout
Question: Which of these Require A Battery? Answer: Tamagotchi
Question: Which of these Was Not A Real TV Show? Answer: NOT WITH MY DAUGHTER, YOU DON’T
Question: Which One Is Not a Scientologist? Answer: Mayim Bialik
Question: Which Refers to the Pereiod Before A War? Answer: Antebellum
Question: Who Didn’t Know Whether “Buffalo Wings” Were Made From Chicken or Buffalo? Answer: Jessica Simpson
Question: Who Has Never Been Caught Shoplifting? Answer: Stevie Wonder
Question: WHO ONCE DANGLED HIS BABY SON OFF A Hotel Room Balcony? Answer: Michael Jackson
Question: WHO RAN AGAINST GEORGE W. Bush in the 2000 presidential election? Answer: Al Gore.
Question: WHO’S KNOWN FOR THE PHRASE “My Precious?” Answer: Gollum
Question: Xander, Willow, and OZ WERE ALL CHARACTSERS ON .. Answer: Buffy The Vampire Slayer
Question: Your Permanent Record Is? Answer: A FAIRY TALE MEANT TO FRIGHTEN CHILDREN

LEFTY’SLEISURE SUIT LARRY: RELOADED: Game Walkthrough and GuideDeath lies Larry at every step. For example, it is impossible to move on the locations on your two (unless they are located at a very close distance), otherwise they will certainly encounter local hooligans.
Arriving in the hotel, pass inside by selecting a pointer in the form of a hand or legs. You can change the shape of the pointer in various ways: by right-click, turn the mouse wheel, tiping the pointer to the top of the screen or hold down the left mouse button, after which the circle from the pointers themselves will appear. Sit on a chair with the same hand pointer and communicate with a bartender by changing the pointer form to the cloud dialog. From the extensive list of drinks, choose “Whiskey”. We pass through the door on the left side. We give whiskey drunkets, pulling it out of the inventory, (icon of the suitcase at the top of the screen), and in return get a cupboard. Opening the inventory and turn the coss the hand-shaped pointer. Remove the rose from the vase on the left side. We go to the restroom, where we take the ring next to the left crane of the sink and click on the crane itself. The resulting steam reflected in the phrase mirror. Click on it and, returning to the bar, knock on the door on the right side. When the password is asked, we provide that very phrase.

We select the television;Open the cabinet door on the right side using the code “7-24-46” from the inventory. Favoring a personal multifunctional massager, click on it by hand several times until the batteries appear. Insert them into the remote and start switching channels. Sooner or later, a transmission will appear that distracts the discharged loud. Climb upstairs, select a beautifully purchased box of candies in the corner on the right side. After talking with a girl (optional), we choose to the balcony by clicking on the window on the right side. We are moving to the left and fall into the garbage container. Running in the garbage, find some new things. Press the button on the electric post and call a taxi. We go to the highest building Caesar’s Phallus. If there is any alcoholic drink in the inventory, then before the trip it will have to drink it.LEISURE SUIT LARRY: RELOADED: Game Walkthrough and GuideFull time you can earn playing on slot machines. Before that, be sure to persist. It is also desirable to survive after the kush. We increase the rates as the budget increases in order to raise a large amount faster.
Caesar’s phallus

Give a taxi driver twenty dollars. To do this, apply a wallet on it. It’s time to persist, since our taxi trips cannot continue forever. You can earn money on slot machines. We will go through different locations until we meet the merchant apples. I get a bulk apple.

We go inside, go to the end and arrive at the elevator. We take the membership card from metal urn on the left side. Left – Buffet, go there. I clean the rack by pressing the contaminated areas next to the tanks with food. For the work done, we get a bank with burning sauce. Let’s leave the buffet and move in the cabaret on the right side. Take a cylinder from the table. Return to the hall, click on the elevator and go to the seventh floor. Inside the plant is a special order, select it. Click on the Special Council itself in the inventory and remove the key. Let’s leave the building, go to the right and collect Jasmine blooming for the fence. Click on a taxi call button and go to Come-N-GO.LEISURE SUIT LARRY: RELOADED: Game Walkthrough and GuideI clean the marked dirt.

We enter the store, from the regiment Magazines take the magazine, and from the next row – wine. Also click on the inscription under the cashier and select yourself a contraceptive. For everything we pay with the seller and leave the store. From the outside we will meet a man in a brown raincoat. Give him wine, and in return get a folding knife. Passionate right by moving into the club.

Studio 69

We demonstrate a member card and climb a dance floor. We communicate with a lonely girl and choose a replica in conversation in the following order:

I’ll Introduce Myself Suavely
I’ll Ask Her About Herself. Chick Dig That
Let’s Leave!

Giving a lady of a rose, a diamond ring and a box of candies. Having broken off the full program, we also pass two hundred dollars. We go out and go to Weddin Ready.


We enter the church. The clergyman asks twenty five dollars for the ceremony. We give him money and after marriage, go to Caesar’s Phallus.LEISURE SUIT LARRY: RELOADED: Game Walkthrough and GuideWine and magazines.
Caesar’s phallus

We go inside, pass to the elevator and go to the fourth floor. Knock in the extreme door on the right side. Entering the room, click on the radio next to the bed several times and soon I heard the phone number – 555-8039. Now we go to Come-N-GO. We use a taxone on the street and recruit number 555-8039. Returning to the girl in the room, we open the bottle of wine, having previously delivered it from the bucket, and drink this noble drink. After that, we offer a lady to do what they do during the marriage night. She turned out to be unclean on her hand, knitting us and quickly left. We use the folding knife from the inventory and cut the rope. Free around, do not forget to pick them up.

Let’s leave the room, we go down on the elevator to the second floor. Unscrew the only door with the key from the inventory. After talking with a girl on all the topics available, we choose in the hall and, again the door again, go inside. From the tank next to the cabinets we take a dead octopus. Pour the burning sauce from the inventory in the nostril Cachelot. After some time, Amber will appear in the water – select it. We go outside and wait for the cat appearance. If she did not appear right away, then let’s go and go back. I fuck her dead octopus and quickly get musk. We put in a bottle of sauce ambru, jasmine and musk cats. We call a taxi and go to Lefty’s.


We enter inside, sit down at the rack and acquire a stack of vodka. Knock on the door on the right side, call the password and go upstairs. We choose through the window on the right side. Connect in inventory short parts of the rope. We use the resulting rope on the perille on the right side and click the sign in the form of a hand on Larry. Give the hammer from the inventory and click on the bottom window on the right. Favoring a jar with pills, go to Caesar’s Phallus.

Caesar’s phallus

We go inside and get to the elevator. We go to the second floor, unscrew the door with the key and send a girlfriend a bottle with fragrant extract. We come out, come in and from the open locker we take cosmetics. We are going on the eighth floor. Give a jar with pills to the girl guard. Press the button on the right side of the rack. Using the opened elevator, climb even higher. We go to the long pass, open the door to the right and take a lagged toy. Return to the previous room, pass through the door on the right side and find ourselves on the balcony. We restore the shape of the toy using cosmetically in the inventory. Inflate her can and move on the other side by clicking on the toy pointer in the form of legs. Communicate with a girl on all themes, after which we undress and join her. We give the lady a bulk apple and on this beautiful note I complete the adventures of Larry.

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