Chuchel: Game Walkthrough and Guide

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May 3, 2022
11 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

Chuchel: passage
Chuchel: Game Walkthrough and Guide
Management in the game is carried out exclusively by the mouse cursor. For simplicity of orientation, the article is divided into paragraphs. One paragraph – one screen (puzzle or part of it) in the game. Getting Starting Chuchel game on StopGame.RU.

Double-click on the blue bottle on the branch from above to wake up the main character (GG).

Click Cherry to appear a cute animal, a sick mixture of a mouse and hedgehog without barns in pink color. For simplicity I will call it a mouse. Try to pick up a cherry several times. Then slowly go to the edge of the screen, in the opposite side of a mouse with a cherry. When you have the very edge, then click on Cherry to intercept it.

Tear off the cherry from the tree by choosing the left window.

Using a mouse jump on the top of a yellow creature with a hook nose. Try to tear the big hair. Try to pull the wooden pointer by loosening it aside and pulling the bottom up. After that, it will be possible to interact with a mouse and ask him to dig the index sign. Apply this sign on the yellow grade, with a mouse again jump on his head and jump on the index sign to separate the upper part from the lower.Chuchel: Game Walkthrough and GuideYellow Crank and Signable Sign.
Interact with a mouse and green creature in which the cherry jumps. When interacting with the latter, a third icon must appear, allowing you to move the “green toad”. So do.

Choose a yellow bird and fly through the air, avoiding collisions with the rest of the creatures that repel you back. Also try not to fly too high. If you climb above the screen, the hand of an unknown monster will appear and drops back. There will be several screens. One of them will have to fly into large balls to move to another part of the screen.

Soon you will find yourself indoors with snail. Cherry hangs on the chandelier from above, and on the left there is a handle. To turn it, GG is missing forces. Interact with snail, select “Dialogue” and the latter will turn into the facade of the building with three doorways. Each of the openings will lead you to a mini-game, for the victory in which the medals are awarded. Collect three medals so that they can be exchanged for a steroid tablet that increases the forces of Chachela.

In one mini-game there is to shy away from the geometric figures from Tetris, so that they do not break the chachele. Good even if it happens, you will be given an additional chance. They will soon begin to fall a bomb – they need to shy away from them. When an explosion, the bomb moves the usual block, so be attentive. When the big bomb drops, then jump on it, and from there – to Cherry to complete the level.

On another map to jump up, destroying color creatures. But first need to stand under falling drops to change the color of Chachela. Chachel can destroy only those creatures whose color he accepted. Thus, you first need to become green, then – blue, after – red. A little later will appear boss. The first time you make it in the usual character, then attack the color in which the opponent is painted.

Finally, the last puzzle is associated with the game PAC-MAN. You need to run away from the following goals, but at the same time lure them into all corridors so that the yellow points turn into cherries. Your task is to collect all these cherries (their number is equal to the number of yellow dots). A little later will appear a glass bottle with the image of Cherry. Take her so that you can eat those of the most creatures. In addition, on a limited period of time, all yellow points are converted to cherries.

As soon as they collect all three medals, you interact with snail and ask for help. Showing medals you get a tablet. Turn the handle to pick up the cherries and move on.

Replace the cherries on a mouse to continue the journey.

Yellow monster does not allow chalk to cherry. Need to block the mouths with all eight creatures sticking out of the holes so that the monster fell asleep. But challen in his usual form can overlap only one wanderer. In the background there are two trunks of trees – orange and blue. Take the orange tree and go to the screen on the right. Take a mouse in the hands and apply it to fallen orange fruit. Momber will turn into a spider. Drag it to the left screen and place on any four singing wanders. Take again orange tree and this time you eat fallen the fetus, so that the same as a mouse, turns into a spider and block the remaining four wounds. Having done it, you will see the monster falls asleep. Try to pick up Cherry.Chuchel: Game Walkthrough and GuideSinging “Frogs”.
Go to the jelly-like montstrore on the other hand, right, pick up and try to take a cherry. We continue to pass Chuchel on StopGame.RU.

Take a spoon holding the LKM, and move it to the left and right to move chachela. Approach the egg and hit it several times. Repeat the procedure until you proceed to the next screen.

On the screen with a slingshot and gate, think a little mouse so that he fell to the gate, and with them – on the drum. Next will appear another drum at the top of the screen. Shot into it so that the mouse bounces off on the gate and fell to the previous drum. You need to do this at any time – there will be an upper drum above the gate or over the first drum (the truth will have to choose the right trajectory). A flying drum will appear. Get on it when he is in the middle. Next, shoot at the right upper drum so that the mouse bounces away from it to the flying, from there – on the gate and the last drum. The gate will be destroyed, and you can advance further.

Fight with a mouse on robots. Nothing difficult.

After a funny episode, you will find yourself on location with cherry in a cage, radio, mirror with caps and shower. To begin with, put on the winter hat (cone) so that all previous objects (with the exception of mirrors and hats) have become a snowman, a icy com with penguin and icicles. Roll off the ice comes closer to the snowman, after which you put on the usual character hat. Interact with the shower so that the GG drank water and wanted to the toilet. Put on the third hat (clown) and find yourself in the desert. Pour the green mushroom to the way it turns out and turned into several mushrooms. Press the usual header again, turn it on and adjust it to music. Move to the desert and see how the mushrooms sing a cactus. Cactus will drop a spiny ball, which is cherry. Put on the usual hat and take the cherry.

Bake the hammer on the penetration of the wells a mouse.

On the screen with aliens, click on it and choose different options for distraction. Nothing will come. You need to wait for the moment when the window appears with the image of the “evil face”. Choose it and get rid of the first aliens.

The following alien will appear as a pink star. Choose various options as long as you can not click on the window with a “happy face”. Chachel will give the alien flower, because of which the latter will begin allergic.

Shoot the tube into the sky until the ship fell.Chuchel: Game Walkthrough and GuideShoot in the sky.
Action will move to the sky. Shoot in small clouds, combining them until one common cloud remains. Shot in it to move action into space.

Here it will be necessary to get a few stars on which a mouse flies. You need to shoot in advance. Practice and soon everything will turn out.

Shoot a month. Interact with ladybug.

The next screen will be a few creatures, and a mouse with a cherry jumps into the hole above. The way he jumps, is a hint (a mouse was standing on the left lowered part of the purple wounder, and the chachel jumped to the right raised, and due to the blow mouse flew up). It is necessary to do everything the same thing, but with the help of submitted means (I would even say, creatures). Jump on a green big monster so that he talked the tongue. Interact with a big blue monster to the right, so that he fighters and opened his mouth. Set a small blue creature on the right omitted part of the purple monster.Chuchel: Game Walkthrough and GuideTangled Explanation, Light Puzzle.
Next, place a green small creature in the open mouth of the blue monster right. After that, click on the blue monster so that it will spin the green wanders on the raised left part of the purple monster. The blue little creature will fly up, will fall into the language of the green monster, which swallows it. Remove the green creature with a purple monster and stand up. Click on a green monster to spinning a blue creature on the right side of violet. Chachel will be flown up and takes it to the desired hole.

Spot the bird in the nest song, and then pull the cherry from under it. Instead of her, there will be a ball from which the chick hatches, which will allow to continue the passage of the game Chuchel on the StopGame portal.RU.

On the new location you will see a toothbrush, pasta, a crane, a drain hole, a glass with plug-in jaws and cherries. Lower the glass so that teeth get out of it. When they will be out of a glass, then interact with it and raise back. Now the cherry will remain in the glass. Unscrew the cork on the yellow tube and press it to get out the pink snake. Quickly tighten the tube so that the snake does not shine back. Snake frighteners toothbrush, which will come close to the crane on the left in the background. Roll into the brush, from it – on the crane and crawl inside it. So chachel opens a plug from the drain hole. Rear to the green flask of liquid soap, jump up several times to press on the button and reset a few drops. Drops must drag into the drain hole and drop out of the crane down, forming a “rope”. Purchase inside the drain hole and on the stretching mucus from the liquid soap go into the glass glass to take the cherry.

Click several times on the switch until the level is completed.

You will find yourself in two glass glasses – left chalk, and on the right mouse. It is necessary to choose the right formula so as to turn the character and a mouse into a cat with a dog that will be lying on each other and, in the end, will get out of captivity. Give the wallpaper on the blue pill, select for both the left flask, on which the heads of the dog and the cat are depicted, and then select a test tube with blue liquid and “evil face” to give animals aggression.

Run for cherry jumping through obstacles.

Move forward, bypassing the brutal teeth of a huge mound. Fight with these teeth in the cam. Rotate a huge circle so to roll around the tunnels until you get to Cherry. At the very end there will be a complex cut – it will be necessary to slowly rotate the circle so that the character is gradually slipped in the opposite direction, and then in the desired. Choose from here through the right hole to see sleep. In the battle with a green chacher, select all available options, while the main character does not allope with hallucinations.

Rocking the brain monster, switch the arrow to the “smiling face”. See the final cat scene, completing the passage of the game Chuchel on StopGame.RU.

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